[POST GAME THREAD] Iowa defeats Minnesota 14-7

I'm not sure that we would have scored a TD in the first half with Tom Brady at QB. Our WRs were completely blanketed and got zero separation.

Jacob huff, Mitch, santoso = not good today

Fire Jay Johnson. Sad to say...I believe we would have won with Limegrover today.
Limegrover getting some kudos from BTN announcers for improvement in Penn State O-line that now allows Barkley and others to break a few, thus taking the heat off the QB there.

I have posted off and on this board for the last 16 years so I have posted through some ups and downs in the program. I have lived the last 5 years half way around the world so watching the Gophers requires me to tune at midnight, etc so I cannot follow them as closely as I used to when I still lived in the States. I don't know if it is getting older, apathy from being a Gopher fan for so long, or other competing interests - but it is getting harder and harder to watch and support this team.

Now - many will disagree with me - but I cannot wait for the ML era to end at Minnesota. I find it impossible to believe that he was the best QB we had on the roster for 4 years unless the coaches are completely incapable of developing QB talent. Mitch is simply not very good - he is slow running, inaccurate at throwing, locks onto receivers, and makes horrible throwing decisions (Penn State last week was a classic example). I just cannot fathom why he still has so many supporters here when these same people were unmerciful to Adam Weber - are you all related to ML somehow? I just cannot understand it.

On offense - we have not had an identity since Mason was fired. As much as some here hate Smiling Glenn, he gave me my only magical years/win that I can remember as a Gopher fan. The fact that he did this while paying zero attention to recruiting shows me that the issue with our crop of coaches since (TC, Brew, Kill) is that they are poor at player development and scheme. While Mason's zone blocking, etc could not overcome the far superior talent at OSU, etc - it did allow us to compete and win versus teams with superior talent. We don't have that any more so the game is now determined by preparation, talent, and player development - and we simply cannot compete on the raw talent level and our coaches have a proven track record of poor player development and preparation. When was the last time the Gophers took control of a game based on halftime adjustments?

I am not necessarily against TC as head coach (yet) - but so many fans place 'program continuity' over taking a chance to actually improve. It is the reason that ML will continue to start the rest of the season regardless of how badly he plays (the NFL talent reports will all be disappear by the end of the season) - it is why we support an assistant taking the reigns when the head coach quits mid season, despite that head coach never really accomplishing anything at the school. With the expansion of the B1G which has added some poor football schools, I think 6 wins will be doable regardless of the coach. We will never go back to the depths of Brewster regardless of who hire. So, if the Gophers can add any NAME change - I am all for it.

Our current direction is a program in the 6-7 wins/year category each year - likely getting embarrassed by top of the league and in our rivalry games but always making a low tier bowl game. This staff has squandered any magic we could have expected from opening TCF stadium - there is no other huge shot in the arm that we can expect anytime soon. We have no identity as a team to help recruit skill position players. I am surprised we got any receivers to sign knowing that they will have ML throwing them the ball. Develop an identity like Mason did - ZBS and running the ball A LOT - and maybe we can attract some top talent at RB that will actually stick with the program.

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