[POST GAME THREAD] Iowa defeats Minnesota 14-7


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Jan 12, 2013
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Figured I'd start the thread. Not a pretty game today.

U-g-l-y from the offense which was unexpected to say the least. Need to circle the wagons in Maryland next week or we're looking at a really awful season.

Doesn't bother me as much as last week. We gave last week away. This week we sucked and didn't deserve to win. We just aren't very good and shouldn't expect good performances, I guess. Lots of leaves to take care of now.

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Well in the pickem, I undersold our offense and only predicted we'd get to 6. I want to apologize to mitch and the boys.

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Brooks averaged 5.5 yards a carry.

I like Tracy....but he's so outcoached this can't go on past this season.

We offered him a chance to show what he's got, we've seen it. It's
game mismanagment and I can't get past how he campaigned for the
job by creating continuity, then fired two coaches subsequently losing
some pretty damn good recruits. Now we have Mitch who's playing worse
under new OC/qb guru Jay Johnson, who promised us a faster, spread out
outside running offense. I know Jay is grieving, but so far this season, we've
had the same offense as last year, maybe even less spread out than Limey
post Jerry Kill. Mitch is playing worse, and were down to like, 7 offensive plays.

And to watch us take the ball out of Brooks, Smith and McCary's hands in the
4th quarter is what did it in for me. D plays amazing, 3 turnovers, and we refuse
to capitalize.

High school level head coach losing to B10 Coaches... Last week, we lost to a team that had mainly walk ons as linebackers. This week, we lost at home to a rivalry team that is down on it's luck. They were dominating us and yet only had 3 points at the half and we still couldn't do anything. Claeys just can not motivate these kids.

Bad penalties, bad line play, bad QB play and bad coaching. Game over, season over Gopeher fans.

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While I agree the last two weeks have been disappointing, let's take off the maroon and gold sunglasses and pause for a second. We were projected by most to win 6-8 games this year, and with Purdue (really awful team), Rutgers (really bad), Illinois (only 8-point home favorites against Purdue...), Northwestern (average at best) and Maryland (decent but winnable) still coming up a 7-win or 8-win season is still on the table.

Is 6-6 likely at this point, which I (like you) would be disappointed with? Yes.

Is the season over? No.

Step back off the ledge and go enjoy your Saturday afternoon.

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Very disappointing game. We were on our feet the whole game and I thought other than the long run, the defense played a good game.
Iowa special teams (especially the punting game) kicked our butts.
The pre snap penalties were maddening.
After Martin's spectacular interception, the offense needed to seize the moment and whiffed big time.
That might have been Leidner's worst game.
Beat Maryland

Did anyone else think we seemed completely lost at the end of the game? Plays were coming in way too late. Everyone looked like they were totally clueless.

While I agree the last two weeks have been disappointing, let's take off the maroon and gold sunglasses and pause for a second. We were projected by most to win 6-8 games this year, and with Purdue (really awful team), Rutgers (really bad), Illinois (only 8-point home favorites against Purdue...), Northwestern (average at best) and Maryland (decent but winnable) still coming up an 8-win season is still on the table.

Is 6-6 or 7-5 likely at this point, which I (like you) would be disappointed with? Yes.

Is the season over? No.

Step back off the ledge and go enjoy your Saturday afternoon.

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Beating those teams don't wet my knickers. I mean hey, we can still end up 6-7 and end up at the Viagra Back Yard Bowl Game and beat the Marisville Bumblebees 23-10, and I don't think anyone would be satisfied.

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Did anyone else think we seemed completely lost at the end of the game? Plays were coming in way too late. Everyone looked like they were totally clueless.

Well I did have some trouble finding my car in the parking lot after the game.

I like Tracy....but he's so outcoached this can't go on past this season.

Now we have Mitch who's playing worse
under new OC/qb guru Jay Johnson, who promised us a faster, spread out
outside running offense.

I think that's premature. Before this game, Leidner was off to the best start of his career and so was the offense. I agree that Leidner was terrible today, but some of credit for that was due to the pass coverage. There are still 7 games left.

Once again, though, penalties were killers in spots.

Perhaps my favorite play sequence was in the first half. Gophers are 2nd and two when we have a get nice run called back by a hold. Naturally this is followed by a delay of game penalty making it 2nd and 17. Then Leidner uselessly runs into the middle of the line for no gain. My memory is a little battered by today's game so I don't immediately recall the 3rd down flop; but ick. No wonder Claeys didn't want the ball back at the end of the first half.

If they go 1-1 against Wisc. & Neb. and win the rest of their other games, Claeys will be around next year. Short of that, it's questionable. With the way this team was hyped, 1 more regular season loss is all I think Tracy can afford.

No identity on offense. Too much overthinking personnel and play calling. We started our 3rd back and threw on 1st down. Brooks was missing after his 5 touch TD drive.

OL got destroyed and no separation for WR's. We need Lingen in worst way down middle of field.

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If they go 1-1 against Wisc. & Neb. and win the rest of their other games, Claeys will be around next year. Short of that, it's questionable. With the way this team was hyped, 1 more regular season loss is all I think Tracey can afford.

I'm 99% sure he would be back if we go 8-4 in the regular season.

While I agree the last two weeks have been disappointing, let's take off the maroon and gold sunglasses and pause for a second. We were projected by most to win 6-8 games this year, and with Purdue (really awful team), Rutgers (really bad), Illinois (only 8-point home favorites against Purdue...), Northwestern (average at best) and Maryland (decent but winnable) still coming up a 7-win or 8-win season is still on the table.

Is 6-6 likely at this point, which I (like you) would be disappointed with? Yes.

Is the season over? No.

Step back off the ledge and go enjoy your Saturday afternoon.

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Why the hell would anyone want to watch this offense???

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Not angry anymore, just disappointed. It's obviously time to move on as this combination of coaching/recruiting can't get it done even in a year where they will play no more than 2 top 25 teams in 12 games. The trophy case will be empty at the end of the year and most of these coaches will be 2-4 against Iowa and 0-6 Wisconsin in their careers which is just embarrassing.

Hopefully Coyle can be guy who finally hires a coach that will be successful.

Frustrating loss.

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Sorry, it is not lack of talent.

We are poorly coached. We make too many mistakes. But our offense is just really poorly designed. Once again Brooks has limited carries and gains 5.5 yards per carry. His average would be higher if they eliminated the runs that go sideways. WHY? Do we pass more than we run??? Why don't we beat people up with the run. Our pass plays are designed stupidly. Mitch rolling right is a completed pass or dropped pass on the numbers. Mitch faking a handoff to the right and passing facing the defense is a completed pass. Mitch spinning around with his back to defense and now passing is an incomplete pass too often. There isn't time for receivers to run 3 yards deep and across the entire field...and if there was it's a two yard gain and the guy probably gets lit up from the other side defender waiting as we stare it down. Our scheme is just dumb!
So many offensive wtf designed questions? No bubble screens, no jet sweeps with a guy like Smith with Brooks in the backfield together, no slants, etc We don't throw safe passes. We throw passes that if completed will gain 3 yards and have no chance of yards after the catch. Run the ball. I believe once today we ran 3 times in a row and we got a first down and 15 yards gained.

Do you play a running back with a bad wrist when you have two others who might be better anyway?

The defense was really good today. Swarmed to ball better than they have by far. Iowa had a REALLY nicely designed play on the touchdown run. That should have been a coaches timeout before the play.

Just too many correctable mistakes in game five. And like I said last week. Just a badly designed offense. To answer my own question: We were not saving the good stuff for the conference season on offense.

I'm not necessarily for keeping Claeys, but if he's fired, I worry about who we can get in place of him. This is hardly a destination job. We are going to have to reach in some manner. It worked with Kill, but the possibility of Brewster Part 2 looms. An Iowa fan sitting in front of me said with regard to firing Ferentz that Iowa is two bad HC hires from becoming the disaster that is Illinois. The Gophers are no more than that and are maybe one bad head coaching hire from becoming Illinois. Is Claeys that bad hire or could it be the guy after him? I just don't know.

We are poorly coached. We make too many mistakes. But our offense is just really poorly designed. Once again Brooks has limited carries and gains 5.5 yards per carry. His average would be higher if they eliminated the runs that go sideways. WHY? Do we pass more than we run??? Why don't we beat people up with the run. Our pass plays are designed stupidly. Mitch rolling right is a completed pass or dropped pass on the numbers. Mitch faking a handoff to the right and passing facing the defense is a completed pass. Mitch spinning around with his back to defense and now passing is an incomplete pass too often. There isn't time for receivers to run 3 yards deep and across the entire field...and if there was it's a two yard gain and the guy probably gets lit up from the other side defender waiting as we stare it down. Our scheme is just dumb!
So many offensive wtf designed questions? No bubble screens, no jet sweeps with a guy like Smith with Brooks in the backfield together, no slants, etc We don't throw safe passes. We throw passes that if completed will gain 3 yards and have no chance of yards after the catch. Run the ball. I believe once today we ran 3 times in a row and we got a first down and 15 yards gained.

Do you play a running back with a bad wrist when you have two others who might be better anyway?

The defense was really good today. Swarmed to ball better than they have by far. Iowa had a REALLY nicely designed play on the touchdown run. That should have been a coaches timeout before the play.

Just too many correctable mistakes in game five. And like I said last week. Just a badly designed offense. To answer my own question: We were not saving the good stuff for the conference season on offense.
This!!! Nice post!

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I'm not necessarily for keeping Claeys, but if he's fired, I worry about who we can get in place of him. This is hardly a destination job. We are going to have to reach in some manner. It worked with Kill, but the possibility of Brewster Part 2 looms. An Iowa fan sitting in front of me said with regard to firing Ferentz that Iowa is two bad HC hires from becoming the disaster that is Illinois. The Gophers are no more than that and are maybe one bad head coaching hire from becoming Illinois. Is Claeys that bad hire or could it be the guy after him? I just don't know.

My god, Brewster had as many top 25 wins in 3 and a half years as this staff has had in over 5 years. Brewster went to two minor bowl games in his 3 1/2 years which is just what this program has basically done for 20 years. The Gophers were irrelevant under Jerry Kill just like they were irrelevant under Glen Mason and Tim Brewster...why "worry"? The Gophers are not in a position to look down on Illinois or anyone else and haven't been for years. Kirk Ferentz has been an amazing coach for Iowa...nobody the Gophers have hired in 40 or 50 years comes close to what he's done and his situation is very different from the situation Minnesota is in. We aren't talking about getting rid of a coach who went to the F'ing Rose Bowl last season and has had multiple top 10 seasons. When you are irrelevant, you don't worry about being more irrelevant you take steps to try to become relevant.

For all of Bart Miller's blather about having an O-line with attitude, he either needs better athletes or worry less about attitude and more about technique. And for all the hubbub about Eric Klein being the greatest conditioning coach in the country, I sure don't see the results on the field.

Now, what follows here is probably going to tick a lot of people off, but Kill is not blameless in this mess. I think he took a short-term view and burned way too many redshirts in the process. To build the program, we really had to bottom out--and I mean really bottom out--and go from there. The goal should have been to build a solid foundation instead of making it to a meaningless bowl game in the second season. Kill offered too many marginal guys scholarships and that maybe works in the MAC where coaching guys up can mean the difference because the talent differential within the conference isn't going to be as overwhelming as it is in Power 5 conferences. At base level, the Kill/Claeys program still stinks of MAC conference thinking.

As bad as the mental mistakes are on a team that can't afford mental mistakes, I worry more about recruiting. I don't worship star-ratings per se, but at the Power 5 level, it's more about talent than anything else.

I'm torn. I don't want to have Minnesota become the place where coaching careers go to die, but at the same time, I wonder if Claeys is up to this.

If they go 1-1 against Wisc. & Neb. and win the rest of their other games, Claeys will be around next year. Short of that, it's questionable. With the way this team was hyped, 1 more regular season loss is all I think Tracy can afford.

So you're saying he's gone at 8-4 including a win at Nebraska or at Wisconsin? Not sure I agree with that.

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