Post game Pitino on ESPN 1500 - On small lineup, improving, defense, etc.

Actually, I think his falling stats were the reason for being benched. He had about 40 minutes of pretty much scoreless, reboundless performance across two games. This fluctuation in effectiveness if far from new with Buggs. The idea of him becoming a major cog on this team is, IMO, wishful thinking. I wish it were not but he's an enigma. Considering the way he seems periodically clueless, if he were younger I'd wonder if he was having absence seizures. He just seems to inexplicably not know what is going on at times.


The admissions dept. at the U almost did the team a huge favor. Luck O the Gopher.

And I just know some GH'ers who were bitching about admissions and how people there were out to sabotage Gopher athletics are now bitching big time ready to get him off the team.

But it's bad D when a team makes shots with people all over them? You want it both ways with the negative bs. Kind of like we aren't moving the ball but missing open shots.

I'm a Gopher homer and I'd love to cling to a glimmer of hope. I've been a die hard Gopher football fan since I was 4, so I have talking myself into being optimistic about the Gophers down.

BUT. . . Michigan was missing some wide open looks. I haven't noticed teams making an extraordinary amount of difficult threes, I've noticed that our defense stinks. Michigan happened to be missing some shots tonight. At least that's what I saw.

I'm a Gopher homer and I'd love to cling to a glimmer of hope. I've been a die hard Gopher football fan since I was 4, so I have talking myself into being optimistic about the Gophers down.

BUT. . . Michigan was missing some wide open looks. I haven't noticed teams making an extraordinary amount of difficult threes, I've noticed that our defense stinks. Michigan happened to be missing some shots tonight. At least that's what I saw.

Indiana sure did. Not much you can do when they're making fall-away threes.

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