Position chart vs Iowa released; Winfield jumps Ayinde

Winfield should play every snap till the Pig is guaranteed; Ayinde can go grab Floyd after the game (although Floyd will probably shake loose and go 65 yards for a TD)

Just gotta say, I have a hard time being so harsh to a walk on who has played his butt off and given us a lot of meaningful snaps.

Looking at the depth chart missing Poock is the biggest loss in my opinion....Hoping his shoulder is ok

There's a difference between a high ankle sprain and a regular ankle sprain, a regular sprain is day by day, for up to two weeks, a high ankle sprain is four to six weeks. No one has said what type of sprain it is.

High ankle sprain can last far longer than that. Marquise Gray basically lost his Senior season to one. As much as we'd like to have Devers back, it's better to wait a few more weeks if need be than to rush him back. What good is a 210lb Freshman, pass rushing DE with a bad wheel?

wieghty subjects

Crazy to think that cb Myrick might outweigh a DE. I remember a few decades back watching a Bengals game and the announcer said that now later in his career S Fulcher for the Bengals outweighed their DT krumrie at one point!

. What good is a 210lb Freshman, pass rushing DE with a bad wheel?

Crazy to think that cb Myrick might outweigh a DE. I remember a few decades back watching a Bengals game and the announcer said that now later in his career S Fulcher for the Bengals outweighed their DT krumrie at one point!

Maybe myrick could lose some weight and play better.

Devers hasn't been listed on the top 2 of the depth chart all season. He's a situational pass rusher at this point. Just because he's not listed it doesn't mean he won't play.

Devers hasn't been listed on the top 2 of the depth chart all season. He's a situational pass rusher at this point. Just because he's not listed it doesn't mean he won't play.

Devers is listed as being out for the Iowa game on the position chart

Just gotta say, I have a hard time being so harsh to a walk on who has played his butt off and given us a lot of meaningful snaps.


Devers is listed as being out for the Iowa game on the position chart

Claeys has listed guys out on Tuesday and then said on radio show that they will know more later in the week. Rashad Still tweeted tonight that he is back. We'll find out Saturday.

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Update in Strib - Still goes back to doctor on Thursday. If he is cleared to play, he'll practice Friday and the coaches will decide if he's able to play. Similar situation with Coughlin - depends on how he practices.

Opinions wanted: who's going to sit if Still plays? Work him into a regular rotation or take away from one of Smith, Johnson? Smith has been really impressive as far as sticky hands and ability to go across the middle. Big body. I have no idea on his deep speed but to me Still hasn't stood out in that regard. Still with the edge there? The coaches know who can block (Johnson did miss that block on the pin and pull) and who gives us the best chance right now. It will be interesting to see who rises to the top of the rotation. Johnson is athletic but learning; Carter has been a non-factor thus far; Woli had a few drops vs PSU but considering the wet balls and field etc. not as aggravating. By and large Wolitarsky has been money this season.

Why is everyone saying we need to lay off Ayinde? Because he's a local walk-on? Sure he might not be a 4* recruit, but in my opinion he is no less deserving of criticism. He's the main reason we lost the Penn State game and his play has been abysmal throughout the season. Clean up the stupid mistakes at his position and this defense improves instantly.

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Why is everyone saying we need to lay off Ayinde? Because he's a local walk-on? Sure he might not be a 4* recruit, but in my opinion he is no less deserving of criticism. He's the main reason we lost the Penn State game and his play has been abysmal throughout the season. Clean up the stupid mistakes at his position and this defense improves instantly.

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The point has already been well made. The facts are known, the fans know it, the team knows it, the coaching staff knows it.

Ayinde has been pounded in the forums, kicked while down.... no need to step on his neck. Let him up to work on his game....

Go Gophers!

Why is everyone saying we need to lay off Ayinde? Because he's a local walk-on? Sure he might not be a 4* recruit, but in my opinion he is no less deserving of criticism. He's the main reason we lost the Penn State game and his play has been abysmal throughout the season. Clean up the stupid mistakes at his position and this defense improves instantly.

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Because most of us aren't jackasses, so we recognize that he's an amateur athlete giving his all for his team and his school.

Why is everyone saying we need to lay off Ayinde? Because he's a local walk-on? Sure he might not be a 4* recruit, but in my opinion he is no less deserving of criticism. He's the main reason we lost the Penn State game and his play has been abysmal throughout the season. Clean up the stupid mistakes at his position and this defense improves instantly.

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Because he has greatly exceeded expectations and the coaches never intended him to ever start or be a major piece in the program. He is a "hit" or a "win" in retrospect to when he was recruited. If you tell that staff in 2011 or 2012, that this kid that they just got to commit as a PWO instead of taking a scholarship elsewhere will end up starting then I'm sure they'd view that as a pretty big win or "get" and be pretty excited. It's hard for me to say that any walk-on is a failure or bad player if they eventually become a starter.

Opinions wanted: who's going to sit if Still plays? Work him into a regular rotation or take away from one of Smith, Johnson? Smith has been really impressive as far as sticky hands and ability to go across the middle. Big body. I have no idea on his deep speed but to me Still hasn't stood out in that regard. Still with the edge there? The coaches know who can block (Johnson did miss that block on the pin and pull) and who gives us the best chance right now. It will be interesting to see who rises to the top of the rotation. Johnson is athletic but learning; Carter has been a non-factor thus far; Woli had a few drops vs PSU but considering the wet balls and field etc. not as aggravating. By and large Wolitarsky has been money this season.

I think it becomes a 4 player rotation with Wolitarsky, Johnson, Smith, and Still. It potentially affects having more 1 TE sets.

I think it becomes a 4 player rotation with Wolitarsky, Johnson, Smith, and Still. It potentially affects having more 1 TE sets.

Right. We badly need the depth, only playing three WR's (four if you count Carter) isn't going to cut it.

Right. We badly need the depth, only playing three WR's (four if you count Carter) isn't going to cut it.

we also desperately need big plays from our passing offense. Still can help fill that void more so than Brian Smith or Wolitarsky. Last I checked we haven't had a single pass play go for more than 40 yards and have only had 1 (gasp) go for more than 30. We are dead last in the country in that.

we also desperately need big plays from our passing offense. Still can help fill that void more so than Brian Smith or Wolitarsky. Last I checked we haven't had a single pass play go for more than 40 yards and have only had 1 (gasp) go for more than 30. We are dead last in the country in that.

I have not checked stats, but my impression watching every game is, very few yards after the catch, & not sure of the reason.
Mitch is not hitting the receivers in stride downfield?

I have not checked stats, but my impression watching every game is, very few yards after the catch, & not sure of the reason.
Mitch is not hitting the receivers in stride downfield?

It's his timing, he's still just a little late recognizing the open receiver and by the time he gets the ball there the defense is already closing in. A couple times hes thrown the ball as the receiver makes their break but not very often.

It's his timing, he's still just a little late recognizing the open receiver and by the time he gets the ball there the defense is already closing in. A couple times hes thrown the ball as the receiver makes their break but not very often.

Not sure I agree, we haven't even thrown the ball 30 yards down field more than a couple times all season. I recall once against Penn State, once against Oregon State (that Still got hurt on) and maybe once against Indiana State?

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