Poorly-written article on Star Tribune.com

Everyone who missed the earlier thread (9 replies and counting) will appreciate this.

BigGopherFan - Thanks for taking the time to read. It's a blog, not a full-fledged column, so a different approach is taken. My goal with those is to create a lively discussion. Purposely leave out a few points to not have it read like a book.

BigGopherFan, I hate you. I had absolutely no need to click on that link. I should have known how bad it was without looking. There. I'm better now. All's well (except I gave the blog a hit).

I must be missing something...

I don't see anything wrong with this "blog". Certainly not enough to actually post a note saying how poorly written it was.

It is no worse or better than 99% of we find on every sports page around the country.

Could it be you simply don't like Doogie?

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