My expectation is b1gw. Ill be disappointed if they miss it but won't be failure if they don't, in my view.Please reply in the poll with your answers.
Please select the best record at which you would be satisfied, where anything less would be disappointing to you.
Are you a Nebraska fan?There’s more than the usual number of swing games on the schedule this year and the same exact Gopher team of the same quality could go anywhere from 4-8 to 12-0 regular season based on a whole lotta luck.
Matthew Trickett is the most important guy on the team outside of the starting QB this year in terms of wins and losses
The poll choices are for you seven regular season wins?I really hope that we’re able to pull off 9/10 wins and have a shot at the West. If we don’t beat either Iowa or Wisconsin I’ll be disappointed, especially considering neither are projected to be anything spectacular. Ultimately I answered 8 wins and a bowl game to at least be satisfied, with my Wisco/Iowa caveat included.