I respect most of your answer. So thanks for giving it a little thought.
I am of the (admittedly under-informed) opinion that she did not give consent to all of the men involved and that lack of consent in any of those cases is a rape in that such case.
I also differ with the opinion that if they didn't do anything illegal (or for which charges were pressed), then they shouldn't get suspensions, expulsions, etc. Playing on a football team is a privilege, not a right. Didn't a player get kicked off the team earlier this season for getting into fights with teammates? There were no charges pressed. If someone on the team (or any student) were to cheat on a test or have someone write a paper for them, they could (should) face disciplinary action even though they wouldn't be in jeopardy of the police taking them away in handcuffs. There are a lot of similar examples that I could come up with. I'm sure many of these examples would fall under some specific violation of the "Code of Conduct," while others might fall under some less specific language.
I have a hard time believing that ANY woman wants to have sex with 10-20 guys in a 2 hour period, but I guess I must concede that there may be such women out there. If the women in question in this case had never gone to the hospital, police, EOAA and confided in her sister and friends, then I would say "different strokes for different folks," be slightly disgusted and move on with my life without worrying whether the men involved should get in trouble or not.