I love the guys who say Gray isn't ready. They base this on faith in Brewster's football intelligence. That hasn't been proven yet. he has made many, many mistakes in game management and talent analysis (Harold Howell as a case in point). He keeps telling us how great Gray is so why not play him?
So you're saying that the collective analysis of a handful of rubes who watched the spring game means more to you than the opinion of a group of football professionals whose careers depend on their making the correct decision? Professionals who have been watching both of these kids throw and run the offense, side by side, for months?
These guys know these two players and their respective games better than anyone in the world...we know what we saw in a handful of practices.
I get that people want to see what Gray can do, but Brewster doesn't 'owe you a couple series' or a chance to see the difference for yourself. He doesn't have to demonstrate to everyone why he's doing what he's doing. He owes it to you to put the best team he has out on the field. Can someone please give me one piece of evidence that he isn't doing that?
Seriously...we all know the kind of promise Gray shows. Think about the possible reasons we wouldn't be playing him. Does Weber have some incriminating pictures of a coach? Did Grey lose his eyesight in a freak accident?? Is the Mafia forcing Brewster into keeping Weber in to control the point spread??? Or maybe the coaching staff thinks Weber is just the better option.