PJ Isn't Going Anywhere


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2013
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The 2nd half of last night was awful. Every fan should be upset and I get why many are growing tired of PJ, myself included.

But ultimately you can save all of your fire PJ, or who should we hire instead posts for at least another 2 years, because with his buyout, he isn't going anywhere.


There were no boos last night other than the refs.

Any speculation as to why? They had already started at the HC and staff by this time last season.

The U wouldn’t pay that buyout until 2028 at the earliest and they probably wouldn’t do it even then. Is there a clause if he finds a new coaching or broadcasting job after being fired the buyout is eliminated or reduced?

There were no boos last night other than the refs.

Any speculation as to why? They had already started at the HC and staff by this time last season.
We had an incredibly drunk fan heckling pj and acting a fool by us last night.

My speculation is maybe getting a bit more leeway for evolving (passing game, going for it on that fourth down) despite that second half meltdown.

The only way PJ leaves is if all of us quit buying game tickets. A crowd of. 10,000 or less will force the powers to be, to do somethin
Basketball has shown that wouldn't be the case.
The basketball program is the equivalent of a major league team that realizes they don't need to win to collect television money and make a huge profit.

Coyle agreed to/offered this?

Is he in the same boat (figuratively and literally) as PJ?

One could look at the overall landscape, chances of PJ leaving of his own accord to a better situation, and possibly come to the conclusion Coyle was not a shrewd negotiator or good guardian of the department resources with the terms of the latest extension. PJ’s salary guarantee was probably de rigeur for new coaches getting hired away or proven coaches with a conference title or two to their name but PJs star has fallen a bit. He wasn’t/isn’t going anywhere.

One could look at the overall landscape, chances of PJ leaving of his own accord to a better situation, and possibly come to the conclusion Coyle was not a shrewd negotiator or good guardian of the department resources with the terms of the latest extension. PJ’s salary guarantee was probably de rigeur for new coaches getting hired away or proven coaches with a conference title or two to their name but PJs star has fallen a bit. He wasn’t/isn’t going anywhere.
People who think 18 million in December is a large buyout need to wake up and realize 18 million isn’t much money these days

Yeah. One would think that PJ would be a higher choice than Deshaun Foster.
As would about 250 other guys that are currently HCs and OCs and DCs

No doubt in my mind a lot of people talked to UCLA and then saw what it looked like and said thanks but no thanks. And so they ended up with the worst hire since Tim Brewster for a big ten team.

A&M paid $75 million to buyout Jimbo Fisher.
In 2007 the big ten TV contract was like 18 million per year

Now it’s around 80

So a 20 million dollar buyout is a 2007 5 million buyout

Not nothing but if the thing holding up the program is a 20 million dollar buyout you may as well just keep fleck because the guy you’re going to hire is going to be worse.

If the buyout is a problem, then there is a zero percent chance of hiring a better coach. Maybe we can poach UCLA guy

Since the 60s the Gophers have had 10 coaches. The performance has been consistently around .500 in the conference plus or minus. I don't know how many assistant coaches have passed through the program. We're in our third stadium. There is some reason other than coaches and facilities that has caused the program to go from national prominence to mediocrity. And that drop began in the early 60s. Now, ask yourself, what changed here then that didn't affect our competitors?

He has gotten stale but honestly nothing will change unless we up our NIL game.

Getting rid of him won't fix the elephant in the room. If we want to compete with the big boys we have to spend like them.

Since the 60s the Gophers have had 10 coaches. The performance has been consistently around .500 in the conference plus or minus. I don't know how many assistant coaches have passed through the program. We're in our third stadium. There is some reason other than coaches and facilities that has caused the program to go from national prominence to mediocrity. And that drop began in the early 60s. Now, ask yourself, what changed here then that didn't affect our competitors?
Coaches have been around .500 in the conference since the 70s?

not accurate at all

No, it isn’t.

I respectfully disagree. The team will be dealing with ever-increasing costs for everything from staff salaries, benefits to contractors and services. They’re going to have to share at minimum $22M and climbing with the players and potentially a whole lot more if/when players organize. Guaranteeing a large percentage of remaining salary to a coach that wasn’t/isn’t going to get a better deal elsewhere just isn’t smart.

Agreed, about Fleck not going anywhere, unfortunately. Ultimately, this mediocrity isn’t going to cut it in the new B1G though.

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