PJ Fleck on Sports Huddle 7-2-7

short ornery norwegian

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Feb 9, 2011
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PJ Fleck appeared on the Sports Huddle with Sid, Dave (and Max) on Sunday 7-2-17.

Sid: what about Report on Scholastics?
PJF: Really happy. highest GPA ever in history of program. staff focused- things we emphasize in culture. meetings every Monday with academic advisors. Sit up front, collared shirt, etc. very proud. have to continue.

Sid: What about out-of-state Camps?
PJF: Doing everything we can to find best talent. use satellite camps - not sure how much longer (they'll be allowed) - 6 on campus - 4 off-campus. great mixture. Get kids to come to camp - Ohio, Atlanta, Houston, Chicago. go to spots where we recruit - a benefit for us. I still love when kids come to our campus - get to coach them, control numbers. didn't have more than 115, 120 kids on campus at our camps. we are continuing to evalute.

Sid: Update on Commitments?
PJF: 19 now. continue to try to get more. coaches on vacation. they need time away. take a deep breath. excited about how players are developing. strength coach doing outstanding job.

Sid: why do you have so much Recruiting success in Georgia?
PJF: Mo Linguist - from Dallas area - does tremendous job. got to do well in those spots - have connections there.

Sid: Can you Work with QBs in summer?
PJF: not allowed very much time in summer. allowed so many hours. don't want kids to burn out. work 11 months out of year. want them to want to see coaches again come training camp.

Sid: New facility - will that be a plus in recruiting?
PJF: Athletes village will help even more with '19 and '20 classes. until it's done, doesn't have true effect. (now) players have to use their imagination (to visualize what it will look like. when it's done, they'll be able to experience it.

How is Summer School going?
PJF: All players are in summer school. doing tremendous job. elite in 4 areas. all work together. motivate each one. excited about academics

Sid: when do you start Fall practice?
PJF: August 1st training camp. numerous practices will be open. really exited. that's where you start to build FB team. shifts to really focus on FB. spring- see what team might look like - holes to fill in recruiting. summer - build your body up. training camp - really looks like FB.

Mona: Number of recruits you can sign? Update on Injuries?
PJF: More than half of 22 (injured players) are back full-go. others will be released in july. some will creep into the start of training camp. by 1st game everyone should be back. It's a shame they missed spring and summer work. (next question) 19 recruits committed. so many people want to be Gophers. Proud of In-state commitments. can go from 23 to 27 recruits. have 2 open from last year. waiting on a few other things to fill those. lot of things you can do.

Mike: how do you keep guys healthy? how much input do you have in medical issues?
PJF: different from how it used to be. coach and medical staff are separate. I don't have a lot of control. we have elite surgeons, elite doctors. it's all about kid's safety. I am not a doctor. our training staff is going through transition. key is to have training staff and doctors work cohesively. communicate the most. do a great job communicating with me

Doing any Scouting on opponents?
PJF: Did our first 7 opponents in June. took 2-3 days on first 7 opponents. did mock game plan. get mind shifted back toward FB. start game-planning all over again. get head start. plan training camp - (during season might) see weird blitzes - triple option - need to know that ahead of time. fill in practice periods during training camp to handle those situations.

Sid: Do you think your Schedule is tough?
PJF: haven't played a lot of these teams before. I can't tell you how tough it is. we're worried about us. can't worry about schedule. that's all psychological. playing games with yourself. we need to worry about being the best we can be. we have a lot of things to overcome - a lot of challenges ahead of us.

Mona: When would you like to name a Starting QB?
PJF: what date? when someone wins the job. that's a cop-out answer, (laugh). when someone shows to me without a doubt, this is our starting QB. somebody's got to take it. that's what I want to see. (win job) beyond a reasonable doubt.

MIke: Would you Play 2 QB's at one time?
PJF: Not into that. usually a 1 QB guy. have played two. Tom Flacco at WMU had special skill-set we could use (in certain situations)

Sid starts to ask about injured players. Mike and Dave explain they already covered that question. awkward pause.............

sid - murray's certificate. good luck.
PJF: ski-u-mah, RTB.

Title is supposed to say 7-2-17. Typing issues. just got done cooking some chicken and my hands are sticking to the keys on the computer.

Title is supposed to say 7-2-17. Typing issues. just got done cooking some chicken and my hands are sticking to the keys on the computer.

Even with sticky hands, great recap. I tried to log on to the show this morning but for some reason could not. I appreciate your detailed recap.

Nice job SON. Much appreciated from an out of towner who can't get the Sid/Mona program.

Thank son

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You're the man SON!

My oh my. I would love to have one of those Murray's certificates. Is Sid part owner of Murray's?

Thanks SON. How was the chicken?

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I don't know how you can listen SON but thank you. You're a better man than I.

Should thank Tracy and Jerry for the scholastics.

Should thank Tracy and Jerry for the scholastics.

They clearly took the bull by the horn in this area to turn it around. Fleck thank goodness is keeping it going. Thanks for the report Son! Very much appreciated!

Should thank Tracy and Jerry for the scholastics.

Why? They were talking about the Spring semester. Tracy was long gone.

I listened to this show and Son did a great job of capturing all that was said. PJ must be practicing because he was able to interpret everything that Sid said.

Why? They were talking about the Spring semester. Tracy was long gone.

I listened to this show and Son did a great job of capturing all that was said. PJ must be practicing because he was able to interpret everything that Sid said.

True but the tone was set by Tracy and Jerry. You do remember what they inherited don't you?

Why? They were talking about the Spring semester. Tracy was long gone.

I listened to this show and Son did a great job of capturing all that was said. PJ must be practicing because he was able to interpret everything that Sid said.

How about because Kill and Claeys put the commitment to academics in place, and recruited kids who could succeed academically and were able to maintain the approach to school that was stressed by the former coaching staffs. PJs results in this arena are unproven to date. If you don't see that you're just being an a$$hat.

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How about because Kill and Claeys put the commitment to academics in place, and recruited kids who could succeed academically and were able to maintain the approach to school that was stressed by the former coaching staffs. PJs results in this arena are unproven to date. If you don't see that you're just being an a$$hat.

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All true, but this is Fleck's team now, so the results are his.

He benefits from the previous regime for sure, but expecting anyone at the U to give credit to coaches no longer here isn't going to happen. Particularly with the people in charge. It's also not fair to Fleck. He can't control what happened before he got here, but he's responsible now.

Apparently we had the highest GPA ever for the team. Great news. Where it goes from here is entirely up to him, however If he's able to build and move it forward, great. If he's able to maintain it, great. if not? that will take care of itself.

What do you call someone who derails every Sports Huddle thread with Kill/Claeys worship? Is Asshat strong enough?

The Altar of Kill and Cult of Claeys certainly have their loyal following to defend the legacy at every opportunity.

I'm not overly impressed on the academic side. That particular train was already on track and rolling, Fleck might have added some speed, but an object in motion tends to stay in motion. The real bottom line will be the difference in recruiting and game day decisions. Under Claeys, we seemed to be drifting towards a Kansas State model with over reliance on Juco players, as for game day decisions, some were just in explicable.

How about because Kill and Claeys put the commitment to academics in place, and recruited kids who could succeed academically and were able to maintain the approach to school that was stressed by the former coaching staffs. PJs results in this arena are unproven to date. If you don't see that you're just being an a$$hat.

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Not really, if PJ would have deemphasized the classroom then the grades would have already started to drop. If anything, PJ's "new culture" puts a premium on off the field behavior.

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What do you call someone who derails every Sports Huddle thread with Kill/Claeys worship? Is Asshat strong enough?

Maybe it should be d!ckhead?

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What do you call someone who derails every Sports Huddle thread with Kill/Claeys worship? Is Asshat strong enough?

Who does that except for a couple of folks who get into constant wars with Jb and a couple others?

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Not really, if PJ would have deemphasized the classroom then the grades would have already started to drop. If anything, PJ's "new culture" puts a premium on off the field behavior.

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Possibly unless their academic behavior is second nature after years of emphasis. I hope and actually think that the academic performance of our players will continue to be extraordinary under PJ- just get irked when folks like HH like to completely disavow anything accomplished under the former regime(s)

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Not really, if PJ would have deemphasized the classroom then the grades would have already started to drop. If anything, PJ's "new culture" puts a premium on off the field behavior.

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This raises an interesting question. We (well, I at least) aren't familiar with how much of a disciplinarian Fleck is. Is he a hardliner when it comes to his culture? Is it conceivable he will sit more talented players he perceives as indifferent or not enthusiastic enough in favor of guys that are "all-in" Flecksicon acolytes? Will we see a Year 1 bloodbath as Fleck exerts his unique will?

IIRC in his early days he was going to go with a different QB at WMU as he didn't perceive the more talented guy as a fit for his culture - he eventually reconsidered and the rest is history. I can imagine a scenario where he goes with an enthusiastic Rhoda over a more laid back Croft, for example.

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