PJ Fleck has become Jerry Kill

2nd Sixer or we enjoying some Everclear at this juncture?

I’m not enjoying the state of the gopher football team which has currently regressed by a decade
Regressed by a decade is an exaggeration, because it implies we were at some great height to fall from.

Yes, PJ is basically Glen Mason/Jerry Kill. And that is probably all Gopher football will ever be post 1960. This isn't one of his better teams, but 2019 is as good as it's ever going to get. Seasons like 2021 and this one will be far more common. It's best to accept this reality.

Relax. SMH. Today was bad. The last 3 games show that we have issues with talent at WR and the right side of the OL. Our front 7 on D needs to be stronger and smarter.

That said, PJ gave us an 11 win season and top 10 ranking. PJ brought College GameDay here. PJ has us beating the Badgers.

Yes, things need to change but don't stop rowing.
What issues with the wide receivers, right side of the o-line, or the front 7 on defense are going to get better next year?

Good luck with that.

What should we do? Drive him out of town??

Edit: jk
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At the moment PJ is still statistically one of the best HCs we've had in a while. Firing him now would be a Bo Pelini moment for us.
What the fuck. What statistics are you fucking on about? He’s dunking on a 3 foot hoop by this standard. Is he even .500 in the big ten? Turned over every year by WI and IA. Has he ever beaten WI and IA in the same season? Have we won the west?

Success is something much different than this.

What’s the buyout?
I'm not sure, but it's huge. He's not getting fired for on field reasons for at least 2 more seasons. This is not the time for "fire everyone" discussions. It's not going to happen and it shouldn't. We've gone from Rose Bowl talk to Fire PJ talk in 3 games. All losses to ranked teams. I'm concerned but let's get a grip.

Relax. SMH. Today was bad. The last 3 games show that we have issues with talent at WR and the right side of the OL. Our front 7 on D needs to be stronger and smarter.

That said, PJ gave us an 11 win season and top 10 ranking. PJ brought College GameDay here. PJ has us beating the Badgers.

Yes, things need to change but don't stop rowing.

Thank you for some sanity.

At the moment PJ is still statistically one of the best HCs we've had in a while. Firing him now would be a Bo Pelini moment for us.
Nobody I'd say is insinuating or talking about firing the head coach. People are just tired of how games like today started. I get it your trying to protect the red shirt freshman QB, but Gophers played right into Penn States hand starting the game the way we did the first 3 to 4 drives. Trying to run long stretch plays to an inside zone, or get the edge on them was a pretty poor game plan to start the game. Handcuff the team doing that. What did we have to lose going tempo and throwing quick outs and some fast stick routes and move the ball. Penn State is good not great, and we made them look great in the first half by running predictable running plays into the teeth of the defense. Absolutely hate how conservative on offense Gophers played to start the game. Ohio State is going to kill Penn State.
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22 days ago the Gophers were going to Indy and the Rose Bowl. Now you people want to run PJ out of town. Have another drink, and put your phone & computer away.
Anything happened in those 22 days or no?

When we got the pick, and he settled for 3, I'm looking at him as not a guy that ever gets you there.

And you want to know the funny part..........he thought 3 would be huge there as we would play good defense against them......LMAO

I'm as down as ever on fleck.

We are in deep shit next year and have a weak recruiting class.

Oh well.

I think PJ is a good coach but today was a horribly coached game. He didn't give his team a chance to win by being that conservative. If Athan was going to be doing most of his passing on 3rd and long, we are screwed.

Even if the early throws were just fades, it would have done wonders for Athan.

I didn’t start this thread because I think PJ should be fired today. I started it because I thought he was different than what we’ve seen from coaches over the last 30 years. That is proving to be wrong, and I don’t like the future of this roster currently. He’s going to really have to change his best or I will think there are better options out there a year from now.

22 days ago the Gophers were going to Indy and the Rose Bowl. Now you people want to run PJ out of town. Have another drink, and put your phone & computer away.
The only people trying to get the firing talk going are the handful of trolls that become really active when the team loses and they get to do their happy dance and post like crazy. Torres, AMK, Cobra....these are all fans of other teams that have nothing better to do with their time than troll Gopher football boards apparently.

I’m sad to say that the Gophers will not win another game this year. I’m a curse and bad luck. 😣😔😢😭

Fleck is on the verge of getting canned along with the rest of the staff. He’s on the hot seat and will be fired sooner than later.
I see you know how to cut and paste.

What the fuck. What statistics are you fucking on about? He’s dunking on a 3 foot hoop by this standard. Is he even .500 in the big ten? Turned over every year by WI and IA. Has he ever beaten WI and IA in the same season? Have we won the west?

Success is something much different than this.

He's also 3 for 3 in bowl games, and he's the first coach to be able to beat Wisconsin in 15 years.

I’ve been a big PJ fan since he was hired but this team is heading in the wrong direction. Talent is trending downward and this is the worst coaching I’ve seen since the Brewster era.
As PJ says, it's all on him but Rossi is putting an atrocious defense out there. They put a wideout out there and he belongs to no one? A backyard toss and he trots to the end zone?

PJ is not getting fired any time soon. Not for bad football performances. He is not even on a room temperature seat. He'll be here but it is hard to see how we will better next year. We have had easy schedules too. As schedules get harder, the challenge will be greater.
It wouldn't appear on paper we have any guys who will splash as freshmen next year and save us?
When, if we already know next year is year 00?

I'm not sure, but it's huge. He's not getting fired for on field reasons for at least 2 more seasons. This is not the time for "fire everyone" discussions. It's not going to happen and it shouldn't. We've gone from Rose Bowl talk to Fire PJ talk in 3 games. All losses to ranked teams. I'm concerned but let's get a grip.
Purdue was not even close to ranked. Losing that game, at home, was bad. The last two games were reasonable losses, but the way we lost this game was inexcusable. We weren't even trying to win. Playing for a FG when starting a drive at the opponents' 14 was all I needed to see.

Purdue was not even close to ranked. Losing that game, at home, was bad. The last two games were reasonable losses, but the way we lost this game was inexcusable. We weren't even trying to win. Playing for a FG when starting a drive at the opponents' 14 was all I needed to see.
Man I was so riled up about that! What kind of chicken shit are you doing playing “try not to lose”instead of playing to win? My God throw a damn pass and try to get a TD!!! After that it’s like his head came out of his ass and he started to pass. Geez, where was that on that drive? Also, what the heck with the epic defensive collapses in the second half? So out of character for Rossi.

QB is an issue for both Fleck (Morgan) and Kill (Leidner), a heavy reliance on one guy for too long at the detriment of development of others.

On a side note Ciarrocca remains Ciarrocca and is back to his uninnovative ways.
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Fleck is an ok coach that will lead the Gophers to a non New Years bowl game almost every year. I will not give him credit for 2019 because he did not recruit the studs on that team I look at what his recruits have done and it's just ok. If you fine with ok then he's the coach for you.

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