Pitino Expects Dorsey, Mason, and McBrayer to Return for Wisconsin


Mar 25, 2014
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I don't think this thing is over yet.

I really don't care if they're back for Wisconsin. More concerned about the long term.

I don't think this thing is over yet.

I really don't care if they're back for Wisconsin. More concerned about the long term.
you don't think these guys would be indefinitely suspended if there wasn't a possibility this could blow up into something bigger/worse?

I find it highly odd that they would be allowed to play so soon if there were worse things coming down the pipe.

Does "expect" mean the the same as they "will"?

It will be very interesting to see how the team plays tomorrow. It could be their very best performance of the season, one of their worst or at least something in between which probably won't cut it against Becky.

Does "expect" mean the the same as they "will"?

It will be very interesting to see how the team plays tomorrow. It could be their very best performance of the season, one of their worst or at least something in between which probably won't cut it against Becky.

I think you're right. It will be their best, their worst, or something in between. No doubt about it.

So they're not getting dismissed from the team....got it. Beat Wisky!!

B b b b but wait, this has to blow up! So many will be disappointed if it was overblown.

Does "expect" mean the the same as they "will"?

It will be very interesting to see how the team plays tomorrow. It could be their very best performance of the season, one of their worst or at least something in between which probably won't cut it against Becky.

Found Troy Aikmen.

Does "expect" mean the the same as they "will"?

It will be very interesting to see how the team plays tomorrow. It could be their very best performance of the season, one of their worst or at least something in between which probably won't cut it against Becky.

I think you're right on the money with this prognosis, and I too think it will be their best, worst or other level performance. :cool:

you don't think these guys would be indefinitely suspended if there wasn't a possibility this could blow up into something bigger/worse?

I find it highly odd that they would be allowed to play so soon if there were worse things coming down the pipe.

Well I'll start with Pitino said..he 'anticipates them playing against Wisconsin'.

LMAO - Many of us said they would never play for the U again and now we hear this....gotta love this story!!!

Good to hear and pretty much what I was hoping for. Would guess he said he anticipates them playing just because you never know what could happen and he doesn't wanna guarantee anything and have to change it if something pops up. Noticed some wisconsin fans commenting on Pitino saying this on Twitter with things like why wouldn't he just keep them suspended and not take negative publicity because there season is terrible anyway, or some tweeting to our interim AD and the B1G commissioner to step in and keep them suspended. Its funny to see them acting like they actually care about how our program is looked at they just don't want to see Dorsey, Mason, or McBrayer play because the Gophers could easily pull off the upset with everybody available.

I hope he had a clear conversation with University administration before saying that publicly.

Have to agree that if they are on the court for Wednesday's victory against Wisconsin, someone has made a decision that they believe this is unlikely to get escalated.

The Three Musketeers better bring their A-game after hanging their teammates out to dry against Illinois. With this season in the drain, I'd love to see us at least mess up Wisconsin's seed.

The Three Musketeers better bring their A-game after hanging their teammates out to dry against Illinois. With this season in the drain, I'd love to see us at least mess up Wisconsin's seed.

Senior Night...send Joey out with a win over Wisky!

Doogie just tweeted no decision has been made if the trio will play Wednesday. I'm so confused

Good. I can't believe how worked up people seemed to be getting over a consensual sexual encounter on a college campus. Heaven forbid. Next thing you'll be telling me that students under 21 occasionally have access to alcohol!

Posting the videos was stupendously poor decision making if the phone wasn't stolen, but unless the woman involved was bringing some sort of legal action against someone for posting it without her consent... I just don't understand the hysteria that some posters seem to have.

One may think Pitino was anticipating how the WI coaches could prepare for the game.
It is better to keep them guessing than know what Gopher players will actually play.
Preparing for a full Gopher squad would be my option if I were Gard and then giggling when I saw what they put on the floor if the suspensions hold.

Doogie just tweeted no decision has been made if the trio will play Wednesday. I'm so confused

Who's more plugged into the U hierarchy, Doogie, Pitino or Goetz? Legit question...

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