PiPress: Will Johnson says Gophers, W Va top list: UPDATED with WVa Commitment

I think a lot of the surprise about West Virginia has nothing to do with whether they have a good program or not. It's a lot to do with the fact that West Virginia hardly ever uses a TE in their offense (they don't even have a TE coach), and Will Johnson said he wanted to play TE.

I think it's that you don't see a ton of kids from Minnesota head to West Virginia, so that was surprising but the fact that they don't use TEs makes it seem sort of strange. It's a good program though, and they'll likely move him to OT, where he belongs (IMO).

On a side note, a kid from MN chose West Virginia last year as well, Brian Athey. He has since decided to transfer to Illinois St.

Ok? Our program was mediocre, there's was good. At least they weren't just saying "Really? Minnesota?" without saying why they are saying that.

They lose face when they touted themselves as the best school without an NC to a school that has SIX!

they touted themselves as the best school without an NC

Oh my goodness, were some of their fans really saying that? If so, perhaps they should sell their moonshine distilleries and use the proceeds to buy a clue.

Oh my goodness, were some of their fans really saying that? If so, perhaps they should sell their moonshine distilleries and use the proceeds to buy a clue.

Hahaha, whenever I picture West Virginia fans the show "Moonshiners" comes to mind also.


That being said, best of luck, and make sure you hit the books.

Hahaha, whenever I picture West Virginia fans the show "Moonshiners" comes to mind also.
Careful with your stereotypes, Morgantown is tucked up close to the Pennsylvania border, and closer to Pittsburgh ,than any othe major city. Part of WVa. fits the stereotype most does not.

Hahaha, whenever I picture West Virginia fans the show "Moonshiners" comes to mind also.
I usually think of "Deliverance".

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/1tqxzWdKKu8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I usually think of "Deliverance".

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/1tqxzWdKKu8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

This river don't go to Aintry!

I think a lot of the surprise about West Virginia has nothing to do with whether they have a good program or not. It's a lot to do with the fact that West Virginia hardly ever uses a TE in their offense (they don't even have a TE coach), and Will Johnson said he wanted to play TE.

I think it's that you don't see a ton of kids from Minnesota head to West Virginia, so that was surprising but the fact that they don't use TEs makes it seem sort of strange. It's a good program though, and they'll likely move him to OT, where he belongs (IMO).

Coach Kill will have a tough time bringing in top receivers being that he prefers the run versus the pass. WVU passed 57% under Holgorson versus 37% with Kill. Recruits pay attention to that and Kill's program features the run. From what I could gather, WVU's TE, or whatever position Johnson will play, caught 20 passes and ranked #6 in receptions. MN did use its TE types more as McGarry 16, Lair 11, Rabe 4 and Goodger 2 combined were the second leading group of receivers behind McKnight with 51.

I am guessing Johnson wanted to play for an offense where he would be used as a receiver more than a blocker.

That doesn't appear to be West Virginia. It's probably not Minnesota either. I guess he liked Coach Wooderson enough to commit over a more TE friendly team.

Kendall himself. He didn't call the media, but he is going to give TE a try.

I like seeing offensive guys making the move to the defensive side of the ball more so than the other way around, but this could be an interesting move for him. Certainly worth a shot.

Go Gophers!!

Coach Kill will have a tough time bringing in top receivers being that he prefers the run versus the pass. WVU passed 57% under Holgorson versus 37% with Kill. Recruits pay attention to that and Kill's program features the run. From what I could gather, WVU's TE, or whatever position Johnson will play, caught 20 passes and ranked #6 in receptions. MN did use its TE types more as McGarry 16, Lair 11, Rabe 4 and Goodger 2 combined were the second leading group of receivers behind McKnight with 51.

I am guessing Johnson wanted to play for an offense where he would be used as a receiver more than a blocker.

Which is what I am worried about with Will Johnson. If you see the kid, he is definitely talented but he is first and foremost a blocker. His receiving skills will (and should) be secondary to his ability to block. He is already a gigantic TE and will likely add more weight. I hope he did not get sold a bill of goods that he could go to WVU's offense and be a prolific receiver. That's simply not his game and it would be underutilizing him. In terms of style of play, Will Johnson is closer to a Spaeth than he is a receiver. Spaeth was a really good football player, but he wouldn't have exactly made a lot of sense in the slot.

Like I said, his going to West Virginia is probably good for him because it should force him sooner rather than later to transition to OT, which is where he will likely find the most success (IMO). If he was sold a bill of goods that he will be a dominant slot receiver at West Virginia, someone lied to him.

Attention, there is a tractor in the parking lot with its lights on... West Virginia license plates: E-I-E-I-O... and that's all you need to know.

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