PiPress: Seantrel Henderson dealing with painful past, uncertain future

The reason I have some for him is because there were very real rumblings that he wanted to go to MN and would've likely stayed home if it weren't for his money chasing father who came into the picture late and pushed him to the 'name' schools to better his own life. Now should the kid have made his own choice? Sounds good but when I was 17 it was hard for me to even tell my father I disagreed with him, much less tell him I didn't care what he wanted regarding school.
Totally agree with this and it is terribly sad. As a fan, it's hard not to be angry with the father. But as a human being, it's hard to do anything but feel really bad for this KID. Thug? Get out of here.

I agree with you 100%. And the key to being a happy human being in this life is living with compassion, humility, thankfulness, appreciation, empathy and love. If you don't do this or can't understand this, then whether you realize it or not you are not a happy, healthy human being. Instead, you're sick and diseased. You're not adding to the world, you're substracting. You're not making the world a better place, you're making it worse. You're not helping others, you're hurting them.

Who the fvck are you to judge the entirety of the human race?

Bryant McKinnie II. Scandals, unfulfilled potential.

It would be a great idea for the U of M to ignore Cretin Derham Hall, and never in an active way recruit any Cretin player ever again. Something is clearly poisoned over there as far as the U of M is concerned, so write them off for good rather than wasting any more time with any cretinoid player.

If some worthy Cretin player, who is not yet spoiled and annoying, asks for an opportunity to accept a U of M offer, then that would be OK. This should be the model going forward, since just about every blue chip Cretin player has screwed the U of M, after offering lip service, after trying to get a few Cretin DIII friends u of M offers.

As a graduate of a Catholic HS, I am convinced that Cretin DH Athletics is rotten to the core and has little to do with Catholic Education, and the betterment of the St. Paul and neighborhood around Cretin. When some of these same type of elite players start appearing randomly at St. Agnes, St. Bernard (Oh wait, they had to close because attendance dried up since every impoverished great athlete somehow did not get a scholarship to go there imagine that!), Christs Household of Faith, or St Paul Academy for that matter, I'll start accepting the idea that CDH some organic school that happens to produce good players and students in its feeder schools and in house.

I am not sure how the finances even line up for CDH, with some of these good players from impoverished background mysteriously enrolling at CDH. Would some no name kid from Frogtown with no resources, connections, and no athletic ability get he same favors and financial aid as the next Gshun, Floyd, or that Miami OL kid? My guess is no chance at all.

The reason I have some for him is because there were very real rumblings that he wanted to go to MN and would've likely stayed home if it weren't for his money chasing father who came into the picture late and pushed him to the 'name' schools to better his own life. Now should the kid have made his own choice? Sounds good but when I was 17 it was hard for me to even tell my father I disagreed with him, much less tell him I didn't care what he wanted regarding school.

You are so on point that I had to respond. First off; if it wasn't for an opportunist/Dad, he would have been a gopher. This is were he wanted to be. He NEVER wanted to leave the state. That's why he signed late with USC. Up to and beyond signing date he was being pressured to go where he didn't want to.

I also disagree with the notion that it is automatically better for the Minnesota player to stay home. If the player is a national recruit who has options at a better program; from a purely individual football aspect that's where he should go. With some exceptions; to the victor goes the spoils; ordinary players on successful teams status is boosted and exceptional players (Decker) on average/bad teams
Teams status is pushed down.

Also; the misguided and incorrect notion that Cretin coaches encourage their kids to go elsewhere is beyond dumb. Especially when you consider the number of former golden gopher players on its football staff. I would bet money no other highschool in the state has more former gopher coaches and players on its staff.

He's a nice kid who was used to being given a pass at Cretin when he decided not to come to school for say a week at a time, etc and probably has had a hard time adjusting to a more disciplined college environment. I bet he does well in the NFL.

Who cares? Wish him well and let it go. This thread is NOT helping future recruiting, and isn't fixing the past, which can't be fixed.

The Homecoming queen who wouldn't date you probably had cellulite.

Brewster's rep as the master recruiter was on the line, and he continued on this kid long after it was obvious he was not going to come here.

One wonders who got missed trying to land Henderson. That I think is the lesson to be learned here.

The Cretin hate is astonishing as well. If the U has no in there, it is the U's fault.

There aren't random players at SPA because people don't choose schools randomly.

He's a nice kid who was used to being given a pass at Cretin when he decided not to come to school for say a week at a time, etc and probably has had a hard time adjusting to a more disciplined college environment. I bet he does well in the NFL.

I think you owe Mr. Henderson a source for this. I'm not saying this is BS, but a man's reputation and future livelihood is on the line here. Please share. Or if you can't please keep it to yourself.

It would be a great idea for the U of M to ignore Cretin Derham Hall, and never in an active way recruit any Cretin player ever again. Something is clearly poisoned over there as far as the U of M is concerned, so write them off for good rather than wasting any more time with any cretinoid player.

If some worthy Cretin player, who is not yet spoiled and annoying, asks for an opportunity to accept a
U of M offer, then that would be OK. This should be the model going forward, since just about every blue chip Cretin player has screwed the U of M, after offering lip service, after trying to get a few Cretin DIII friends u of M offers.

As a graduate of a Catholic HS, I am convinced that Cretin DH Athletics is rotten to the core and has little to do with Catholic Education, and the betterment of the St. Paul and neighborhood around Cretin. When some of these same type of elite players start appearing randomly at St. Agnes, St.
Bernard (Oh wait, they had to close because attendance dried up since every impoverished great
athlete somehow did not get a scholarship to go there imagine that!), Christs Household of Faith, or St Paul Academy for that matter, I'll start accepting the idea that CDH some organic school that happens to produce good players and students in its feeder schools and in house.

I am not sure how the finances even line up for CDH, with some of these good players from impoverished background mysteriously enrolling at CDH. Would some no name kid from Frogtown with no resources, connections, and no athletic ability get he same favors and financial aid as the next Gshun, Floyd, or that Miami OL kid? My guess is no chance at all.

You have no idea what so ever what you are talking about......yet you are. Resources? To answer your question; the majority of kids sweeping floors at 6am in the morning pay to get into the games to watch the football team play.....unless of course they are working at the ticket booth. The point is, most on aide don't play sports.

Just like most millionaires looking to purchase a car usually won't wind up with a Honda Civic, most high school football recruits with multiple offers from nationally ranked teams usually won't wind up being a gopher. This is from a guy who loves Hondas and Gophers sports.

Oh, please.

His draft slot will be determined at least in part by his reputation. Just because he won't starve either way doesn't mean it is ok to post unsubstantiated anecdotes on the Internet.

This is a courtesy all people should get.


His draft slot will be determined at least in part by his reputation. Just because he won't starve either way doesn't mean it is ok to post unsubstantiated anecdotes on the Internet.

This is a courtesy all people should get.

I took your comment to mean what is said here will impact his livelihood. If that is not what you meant my apologies. If that is what you meant, oh please.

You have no idea what so ever what you are talking about......yet you are. Resources? To answer your question; the majority of kids sweeping floors at 6am in the morning pay to get into the games to watch the football team play.....unless of course they are working at the ticket booth. The point is, most on aide don't play sports.

Really, I do not know what I am talking about? Please educate anyone else reading this thread as to how much the MRSP/ Retail price is to attend Cretin Durham Hall for one year. I know the number and it is very high, so they do not exactly hand out free ones to anyone off the street.

It is very interesting that a whole bunch of low resource students, who also happen to be very talented athletes, seem to end up enrolled at Cretin year after year.

I'd sure like to know the real story about the decision making process as it relates to the awarding of aid to needy students.

The financial numbers at Cretin relative to who gets the aid, where it comes from, what determines who gets that aid and how much of it there is would probably raise a few eyebrows if the kimono was raised.

I know both of my parents worked very hard to pay a modest level of parish subsidized tuition for those in my family to attend the local Catholic HS, and they sure as hell were not in position to pay back then the "retail" Cretin number in discounted 2013 dollars, and they were very much upper middle class in income. (with 5 in school at one time)

In the awful economy of the last 10 years, how easy is it to pony up over 1,000 a month for tuition, year after year? Yet despite these challenges, Cretin never seems to miss a beat when it comes to attracting top end talent that is not from their local Catholic "feeder" schools.

Here are the lessons to be learned from Seantrel:

1. No one player can "turn a program around." This is why I get tired of the Jeff Jones will start Day 1 shtick.
2. When it's obvious you aren't going to get a player, cut your losses and move on to more productive uses of your time.
3. See Rule #1. No player is a "must get," you never know how things will shake out in college.

The "shoulda stayed here" crowd is so predictable and pathetic. The California or Texas kids playing for the Gophers should have stayed home? Maybe Cobb should transfer back home to Texas before the trouble starts. What about that Mayes kid from Texas? He really should stay home before it's too late. Harbison?

The kids you mention are mature and love to play football with the exception of one who is embracing discipline. It was known early that he was not ready to leave home and frankly is not motivated to play at the highest level. Some kids need extra time at home and a certain support system to increase their level of success. Have no idea what his support system was had he played here but I have to believe he would have had a better personal career just a few miles from home.

Here are the lessons to be learned from Seantrel:

1. No one player can "turn a program around." This is why I get tired of the Jeff Jones will start Day 1 shtick.
2. When it's obvious you aren't going to get a player, cut your losses and move on to more productive uses of your time.
3. See Rule #1. No player is a "must get," you never know how things will shake out in college.

I agree with your points - except Jones will start from Day 1 and he is a "must get".

Chris Mortensen ‏@mortreport 2m
Miami OT Seantrel Henderson didn't help himself today - "quit" his Pro Day workout halfway through it. No explanation yet. Disappointing.

Chris Mortensen ‏@mortreport 2m
Miami OT Seantrel Henderson didn't help himself today - "quit" his Pro Day workout halfway through it. No explanation yet. Disappointing.
Wow, hope it comes out there was some kind of a legitimate reason otherwise he may have just taken himself off of many teams draft boards.

Can't say this enough: so glad he didn't attend the U.

So you wouldn't have wanted a 6-8 330 pound RT that is a projected mid round draft pick on you're O-line that may have also been able to reverse the Cretin curse of top kids leaving state. Sure you wouldn't. Even though he never exactly lived up to the immense hype and he did have some off field issues as well he would have probably been our best O-lineman this year, last year and Limegrover probably would have been able to coach him as well

One night last summer, I was at the lake with my oldest son. We were sitting on the dock and it was the clearest night I can ever remember. The stars were just thick, from horizon to horizon. There was a loon calling out in the background and I just sort of got caught up in the moment. I put my arm around my boy with one arm and pointed up at those stars with my other arm and said, "Son, that is how many Seantrel Henderson threads there have been on Gopher Hole since I registered."

One night last summer, I was at the lake with my oldest son. We were sitting on the dock and it was the clearest night I can ever remember. The stars were just thick, from horizon to horizon. There was a loon calling out in the background and I just sort of got caught up in the moment. I put my arm around my boy with one arm and pointed up at those stars with my other arm and said, "Son, that is how many Seantrel Henderson threads there have been on Gopher Hole since I registered."

Okay, this is hilarious

One night last summer, I was at the lake with my oldest son. We were sitting on the dock and it was the clearest night I can ever remember. The stars were just thick, from horizon to horizon. There was a loon calling out in the background and I just sort of got caught up in the moment. I put my arm around my boy with one arm and pointed up at those stars with my other arm and said, "Son, that is how many Seantrel Henderson threads there have been on Gopher Hole since I registered."

+1,000,000,000,000,000 (or however many stars there are in the sky). Thanks Schnauzer, you made me LMAO!

One night last summer, I was at the lake with my oldest son. We were sitting on the dock and it was the clearest night I can ever remember. The stars were just thick, from horizon to horizon. There was a loon calling out in the background and I just sort of got caught up in the moment. I put my arm around my boy with one arm and pointed up at those stars with my other arm and said, "Son, that is how many Seantrel Henderson threads there have been on Gopher Hole since I registered."

Okay, this is hilarious

Chris Mortensen ‏@mortreport 2m
Miami OT Seantrel Henderson didn't help himself today - "quit" his Pro Day workout halfway through it. No explanation yet. Disappointing.

He didn't get his chili hot enough.

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