Picture of new student section t-shirts: "JerrySota"

I want one!!!!I hope they are for sale out side TCF on Thursday!

Jerrysota is just ridiculously awful. I agree with Bleed in that the marketing should stay consistent across different platforms. An idea I had would be a gold shirt with maroon lettering stating "I am a brick" or simply just "brick". That would enforce the idea that the students are an important part of the program.

I don't think we will see too many kids choose to wear their "Jerrysota" t shirt. Maybe that would work if he won a B1G title, but certainly not now.

I can see everyone wanting to wear one of those.:rolleyes:

I can see the student section chanting "Jerry.......Sota" clap, clap, clap................. "Jerry Sota"................................

My wife will then look at me and ask, "Are they chanting Cherry Soda?"

I could be wrong, but I highly doubt a university is going to use a "kill" pun. Way too politically incorrect for an official university apparel.

Yes Jerrysota is pretty goofy, but you never know what the creativity of the students will do with this. Many suggestions have been offered.
I look back at my student t-shirts and my favorite one is probably the dumbest slogan ever (in hi d sight)
"You bet your SPAM I'm a Gopher Fan!"

Yes Jerrysota is pretty goofy, but you never know what the creativity of the students will do with this. Many suggestions have been offered.
I look back at my student t-shirts and my favorite one is probably the dumbest slogan ever (in hi d sight)
"You bet your SPAM I'm a Gopher Fan!"

Most of the slogans on the student shirts over the years have been rather lame, "Gopherocious" comes to mind along with "Let your gopher spirit out". Makes them unique I guess.

We advocate no passive.

Maroon is a passive color while Gold or Yellow is its active color on the opposite side of the color wheel. This is basic to advertising.


This group has no idea, no central message, its basically throwing sH77 at the wall and hoping something will stick.

So you're saying we have passive aggressiveness built into the school colors as well?

I like maroon. 90% of my Gopher clothing is maroon. I'm on board with these shirts. Are we really doing another gold-out attempt this year??

I wear maroon because it's slimming.......

If I told you two months ago that 3 days before the season opener, GopherHole would be pissing and moaning over the color scheme of the student section t-shirts, would you believe me?

Actually, you probably would. The point still stands, though. Sometimes you guys are just the worst.

I thought that string was asking for Bold predictions. You call that bold? You can't handle bold!


So you're saying we have passive aggressiveness built into the school colors as well?

Precisely. We are consistently offered or given passive, and then complain about people sitting on their hands and telling us to sit down. Next time someone does that, I would bet 90% of the time they are wearing a maroon shirt.

Actually that's the best one I've seen so far.:drink:

Jerrysota is cheesy and awful...the like the eat, drink and be Jerry is ok

Maybe an entity unassociated with the U needs to come up with a shirt...something worded with Kill Zone, License to Kill, Kill Nation, Kill Shot, etc. with a graphic of a Gopher player sticking a ball carrier

Why not a maroon version of 'No More Minnesota Nice"?

Slogans don't always have to change.

Why not a maroon version of 'No More Minnesota Nice"?

Slogans don't always have to change.

Why not do a "Maroon Out" (god I hate that term) only do it as a take off of Maroon 5....

Call it Maroon 50,000 and play one of their )Maroon 5's) songs during a quarter break.... Give some kind of prize or acknowledgement to the best dancers or something...

Goldy's at the stadium sells "Road Kill Tour 2013" T's
Fair enough, but that's a different pun. Making jokes about dead animals is one thing. Alluding to murder is another.

For the record, I have absolutely zero problems with it, but people would be surprised (or maybe not) what the upper ups in academia wring their hands about. With gun violence being an issue on college campuses, I can't imagine they would use "Kill" as part of their marketing strategy.

Why not do a "Maroon Out" (god I hate that term) only do it as a take off of Maroon 5....

Call it Maroon 50,000 and play one of their )Maroon 5's) songs during a quarter break.... Give some kind of prize or acknowledgement to the best dancers or something...

Because I just picked up my last student tickets ever (getting my grad degree this spring) and the shirt feels closer to purple than maroon. Perhaps we are doing a purple out. And then we will play "one eyed, one horned, flying purple people eaters."

Fair enough, but that's a different pun. Making jokes about dead animals is one thing. Alluding to murder is another.

For the record, I have absolutely zero problems with it, but people would be surprised (or maybe not) what the upper ups in academia wring their hands about. With gun violence being an issue on college campuses, I can't imagine they would use "Kill" as part of their marketing strategy.

While you may not be wrong, I think you're picking the easy target by saying 'academia' would have a problem. The shirt is sponsored by TCF Bank, and I'm sure they would be the one's throwing a fit at an 'inappropriate' themed shirt. It's not always the public institution that's the problem...a lot of the time it's the private business.

on the bright side...you can where it Sat. at Gophers games and Sun. at Vikings games (both at TCF).

My kid, who was dropped off at the U for the first time on Monday, texted me a picture of the shirt as soon as she got it.

Good enough for me.


My kid, who was dropped off at the U for the first time on Monday, texted me a picture of the shirt as soon as she got it.

Good enough for me.


Did you see any funny(not to you) signs welcoming freshmen females?

My kid, who was dropped off at the U for the first time on Monday, texted me a picture of the shirt as soon as she got it.

Good enough for me.


If it is good enough for your daughter, good enough for you, it's good enough for me.

Did you see any funny(not to you) signs welcoming freshmen females?

Not one. And the parent orientation was awesome. One part that stood out was the University Police's intense commitment to student safety. This is an incredible place to entrust with your (now adult) child.

Most of the slogans on the student shirts over the years have been rather lame, "Gopherocious" comes to mind along with "Let your gopher spirit out". Makes them unique I guess.

Hey I liked Gopherocious! (as you may be able to tell from my name) Then again, the Gopherocious shirts were either in my junior high or high school days, so I may not be a good example! :p


Because I just picked up my last student tickets ever (getting my grad degree this spring) and the shirt feels closer to purple than maroon. Perhaps we are doing a purple out. And then we will play "one eyed, one horned, flying purple people eaters."

LOL... It keeps getting better and better...

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