Picture of new student section t-shirts: "JerrySota"


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Nov 11, 2008
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p><a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23UMN&src=hash">#UMN</a> students: Check out the NEW student section t-shirts for this season! <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23JerrySota&src=hash">#JerrySota</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Gophers&src=hash">#Gophers</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23SkiUMah&src=hash">#SkiUMah</a> <a href="http://t.co/j427RZIh6C">pic.twitter.com/j427RZIh6C</a></p>— Gopher Football (@GopherFootball) <a href="https://twitter.com/GopherFootball/statuses/372105736890761216">August 26, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Go Gophers!!

The ineptitude of the marketing department is pretty astounding. You have a coach whose name, Kill, lends itself to countless possibilities for a clever slogan, and you end up with "Jerrysota"???

Jerrysota? Too funny. How will these work with our GOLD OUT game?

Also... Maroon? Seriously? I understand that students likely have quite a few gold t-shirts, but giving them maroon ones sends the message that the color preferred by the U for sporting events is maroon. Ugh. A sea of gold in the stands is much more vibrant, distracting, and (IMO) slightly imposing than everyone wearing maroon.

We're not Gold and White, Maroon is a great color and we need to use it more often.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p><a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23UMN&src=hash">#UMN</a> students: Check out the NEW student section t-shirts for this season! <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23JerrySota&src=hash">#JerrySota</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Gophers&src=hash">#Gophers</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23SkiUMah&src=hash">#SkiUMah</a> <a href="http://t.co/j427RZIh6C">pic.twitter.com/j427RZIh6C</a></p>— Gopher Football (@GopherFootball) <a href="https://twitter.com/GopherFootball/statuses/372105736890761216">August 26, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Go Gophers!!

....and the bad ideas continue.....

It's not even maroon. More purple than maroon. Definitely not the same shade as the jerseys. This is beyond ineptitude; they're just f--king with us now.

Last year they had yellow shirts instead of gold. I have no problem with this. Our colors are maroon and gold not gold and maroon.

If I told you two months ago that 3 days before the season opener, GopherHole would be pissing and moaning over the color scheme of the student section t-shirts, would you believe me?

Actually, you probably would. The point still stands, though. Sometimes you guys are just the worst.

If I told you two months ago that 3 days before the season opener, GopherHole would be pissing and moaning over the color scheme of the student section t-shirts, would you believe me?

Actually, you probably would. The point still stands, though. Sometimes you guys are just the worst.

Last year it wasn't the t-shirts we were pissing and moaning about, it was the new jerseys. Can it just be Thursday so we can actually start pissing and moaning about football?

Have they hired a marketing firm run by a Badger or a Hawkeye? Seriously, no Minnesota alumnus with any knowledge of the U would put this crap out. The billboard was amazingly dull. The shirt is just too lame to wear.

I'm not in marketing, but these might be just as bad:

Jerry's killer Au Line
Jerry put's the awe in Au.
The Killer App -- GopherSports.com
Cold Kill, kool 108

I think my alternatives are just as bad. Proving to me they must have an amateur at the helm of Gopher marketing.

They could of gone with "Kill Zone"...yet they went with this crap?

Kill Zone
Kill M All
In Kill We Trust
Go For The Kill
The U
Brick By Brick
Any other motivational one liner Jerry Kill has said during his time at the U
MOAR Golden-I

It's a sports T-Shirt. Not rocket science. Any idea if a student committee designs these shirts? It is just as bad as the fire engine red and banana yellow shirts they came out with a few years ago. The fact that the shirt is lacking Gold is shocking. Since when have the students been given a shirt that is anything but Gold? I have heard people say that Gold is technically the school's official Gameday color (I could be wrong about that one, but they do put up gold flags for hockey games - so maybe there is some weight to that statement).

The ineptitude of the marketing department is pretty astounding. You have a coach whose name, Kill, lends itself to countless possibilities for a clever slogan, and you end up with "Jerrysota"???

If using "Kill" has countless possibilities that any layman can contrive, I like the uniqueness of "Jerrysota".

Kill Zone
Kill M All
In Kill We Trust
Go For The Kill
The U
Brick By Brick
Any other motivational one liner Jerry Kill has said during his time at the U
MOAR Golden-I

It's a sports T-Shirt. Not rocket science. Any idea if a student committee designs these shirts? It is just as bad as the fire engine red and banana yellow shirts they came out with a few years ago. The fact that the shirt is lacking Gold is shocking. Since when have the students been given a shirt that is anything but Gold? I have heard people say that Gold is technically the school's official Gameday color (I could be wrong about that one, but they do put up gold flags for hockey games - so maybe there is some weight to that statement).

And the fact they do a "GOLD OUT"...

Just one second here cowboys. Do you really think these shirts are representative of a crack marketing department?

Geez, what is so bad about the shirt

We are the Maroon and Gold after all. The color really is not that bad.
There is slight tick of some humor in JerrySota and it is unique.
It's really not that bad, it's not an overall slogan, just a T-shirt and still better than Brew-Crew any day of the week.
At least Jerry hasn't said GET YOUR CHILLI HOT.

Oh look, the sour puss's are out.

We are the Maroon and Gold after all. The color really is not that bad.
There is slight tick of some humor in JerrySota and it is unique.
It's really not that bad, it's not an overall slogan, just a T-shirt and still better than Brew-Crew any day of the week.
At least Jerry hasn't said GET YOUR CHILLI HOT.

So this was your idea.

Personally I would have liked "eat, drink and be Jerry" but really the shirt is the last of my concerns. 72 hours from shot gunning a beer in the parking lot before heading into the stadium, I can't wait.

We're not Gold and White, Maroon is a great color and we need to use it more often.

I agree, but that shirt is just awful. So so bad.

The visual that first came to me was Jerry's face cut out into the outline of the state with the title below it.


So this was your idea.
I just don't hate the shirt. Would have I liked Jerry's Bricks or Gopher Bricks or something to tie in to the Brick by Brick
foundation webisodes yes, the shirt would have been better in Gold but it doesn't get my man teets in a ringer
for the shirt to be maroon that is all.

Also... Maroon? Seriously? I understand that students likely have quite a few gold t-shirts, but giving them maroon ones sends the message that the color preferred by the U for sporting events is maroon. Ugh. A sea of gold in the stands is much more vibrant, distracting, and (IMO) slightly imposing than everyone wearing maroon.

True that, but I would much rather have it a sea of students in the stadium (from Upper to Lower Deck) for every game this year regardless of maroon, gold, black, or white.

Personally I would have liked "eat, drink and be Jerry" but really the shirt is the last of my concerns. 72 hours from shot gunning a beer in the parking lot before heading into the stadium, I can't wait.

Actually that's the best one I've seen so far.:drink:

For some reason, I just had a vision of the Gopher Hole crew as Zombies from "The Walking Dead," - attacking the Gopher marketing office.

What I don't get is why we have four different campaigns going on now. We have Brick by Brick theme which has been used over and over by the SID, social media team, players coaches and video crew.

We have the Passive/Aggressive theme used by the advertising team.

Now we have the JerrySota theme used by the promotions team.

Then we have the 2-pack ticket sales promotion used by the ticket sales team.

It's clear that the there isn't a marketing communications strategy intended to be used by the entire department. I'm not sure why they didn't get together, share ideas, come up with one strategy to push through all of its mediums. It seems like the Brick by Brick strategy would have been easy to execute across all of the mediums listed above, instead we have individual campaigns which make it difficult to gain traction and have a lasting impact. The Brick by Brick campaign could be one used for more than one year, much like Twins Territory has been used.

Student Section: Brick by Brick, or even go trendy with #BrickByBrick on the t-shirts.

The billboards could have been slowly built upon itself with a "Brick By Brick" theme.

They could have had a microsite - BrickByBrick.com where we get the video vignettes, access to t-shirts, etc.

Oh well. On to UNLV!

Go Gophers!!

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