Pet peeve - Mike Grimm


Well-known member
Dec 12, 2008
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Overall I think Grimm does a fine job, a very solid upgrade compared to his predecessor. I think he's a slight homer when complaining about the refs but no big deal.

My pet peeve with Mike is that several times he referred to the game with South Dakata St as a "Pre Season Game". There's nothing pre-season about it, they count towards the RPI, NCAA, NIT, seeding etc. As much as I value games against Big 10 foes, for Selection Sunday they all count towards the body of work.

Nonconference. Glad to get that off my chest.

Not wanting to pile on Mr. Grimm -- I too think he does a solid job -- but he needs to make sure he does his homework on teams other than the Gophers. He shouldn't assume the listener is stupid and say something that isn't factual.

Case in point. Coming home from the game the other night, he started talking about the Gophers' next opponent, Fairfield. He said Fairfield would come into the game vs. the Gophers with a 1-1 record "after losing to Keno Davis' Providence squad." Um, Mike, Providence fired Keno Davis after last season. Ed Cooley, who came to Providence from Fairfield, is now the Friars' coach.

You guys have really reached for some pretty insignificant things to complain about.

Providence had a coaching change but that matters so little around here that even if he knew about it, it could easily have slipped his mind.

Well compared to what Matt Nelson said during the SDSU game on the All Access stream, I'll take Mike Grimm any day of the week ... Toward the end of the game he said to Qunicy: "After Maverick's game tonight it looks like Maverick will be the starter at point for the rest of the way." Quincy replied "Well not really Matt." Getting back to Mike Grimm - let's remember who he replaced, Dave "Stamper shoots, now he fakes it" Lee.

You guys have really reached for some pretty insignificant things to complain about.

Providence had a coaching change but that matters so little around here that even if he knew about it, it could easily have slipped his mind.

It speaks to his credibility. If you say it as fact, then it should be a fact. If you're not sure it's a fact, the simple solution is don't say it on air.

Again, thank the Almighty that Dave Lee is no longer the voice of Gopher basketball. Mr. Grimm is a large upgrade. Spencer's pretty good (candid), too.

Haven't heard Grimm do a broadcast, but if he's not doing his research, he's not alone. I don't follow sports nearly as close as I did years ago and I still hear national guys make just stupid mistakes, whether it's recent or long-past history.

Mike Grimm is so awesome, I tweeted him this link and these were his responses to my tweets:

@NadineBabu Good constructive criticism there. Totally spaced off that Keno Davis had been fired, so yeah, that's a little embarrassing.

@NadineBabu Appreciate it. Certainly try to prepare as hard as I can, but fully admit I'm far from perfect!!

@NadineBabu And, truly do appreciate and pay attention to feedback with hopes of always getting better.

He's just a great guy who does know his stuff, I can't imagine preparing and knowing every opposing team like he has to do every game.

Mike Grimm is so awesome, I tweeted him this link and these were his responses to my tweets:

@NadineBabu Good constructive criticism there. Totally spaced off that Keno Davis had been fired, so yeah, that's a little embarrassing.

@NadineBabu Appreciate it. Certainly try to prepare as hard as I can, but fully admit I'm far from perfect!!

@NadineBabu And, truly do appreciate and pay attention to feedback with hopes of always getting better.

He's just a great guy who does know his stuff, I can't imagine preparing and knowing every opposing team like he has to do every game.
Especially for both football and basketball.

Haven't heard Grimm do a broadcast, but if he's not doing his research, he's not alone. I don't follow sports nearly as close as I did years ago and I still hear national guys make just stupid mistakes, whether it's recent or long-past history.

Did you mean like Joe Morgan during a national Twins broadcast last summer.

As the camera was showing a view of Target Center Joe said "and there is a view of the Minnesota Sports Center, home of the Wild and the Timberwolves".

What if it were your job? Could you imagine it then?

That would allow me more time to prepare, but honestly, between press conferences, 2 bball games, and 1 football game a week. That's a lot to know. It's not as easy as you would think.

You want homers-try Dick and Bert. Every routine Twins play is a "great play".


Thanks GopherLady for passing on the thread to Mike. I hope he focused more on how I think he does a solid job instead of the pet peeve, which by definition is a "minor annoyance".

He's a human being. He might make a mistake on live radio from time to time. Relax.

Grimm is great. Big fan.

I like Grimm, and I like it when he rips on the refs.

Love Grimm and Tollackson, they make listening to the game FUN! Great inflection and generally strong insight to the team.. he could be better knowing other teams players and coaches but overall he's good. I think they do a great job of bringing the atmosphere of Williams arena to the listener.

I wouldn't mind having that Augistana radio guy do a gopher game, that dude had me rolling with how upset he was with the officials.

That would allow me more time to prepare, but honestly, between press conferences, 2 bball games, and 1 football game a week. That's a lot to know. It's not as easy as you would think.


Let me get on my soap box for a minute. (I have worked in radio for over 20 years, so I think I can speak on the subject.)

In a 2-man booth, the job of the Play-by-play announcer is to describe the action, and update the game situation (score, time remaining, # of fouls, etc.) The color man is supposed to analyze and comment on the action. One of my gripes with Grimm is that he tries to be his own color man - let the color man do his job. And he complains about the officiating way too much. If there's a call that directly impacts the game, let the color man comment on it.

As far as preparing for games, I'll let you in on a little secret - it's actually easier to prepare for a pro game or a D-1 college game -because those teams have full-time media relations people who provide game notes, stats, info, and access to coaches and players for interviews. Yes, you still have to do your preparation, but it's a lot easier preparing when other people feed you the information. Teams also publish media guides, with player profiles and tons of background information. By comparison, I think it's actually tougher to call a high school game when you don't have access to the same level of information - plus, it's a heck of a lot easier to call a game in good facilities, as compared to a high school pressbox, or a gym where you may be sitting next to some bratty little kid.

I will admit that Grimm is a better PBP guy than Dave Lee - but that's damning with faint praise in my book.

My daughter was falling asleep so we left the game early a chance to listen to the game in the car for a bit. Here's what really bugs me about Mike Grimm, and it's the same thing that bugged me about Hartman when he called the Wolves games:

He calls the game in future tense. "And Mbakwe will rebound. And he'll pass it to Hollins. Hollins will dribble up court..."

And then after the game, when he reviews the plays, he uses "would".

I discovered a term for this on urban dictionary: "Pseudopredictive future-past"

Also on the way home last night. ... heard (paraphrasing) "when we come back from the break we'll recap the top-25 scores, including a rout of a ranked team in in Kansas City." The upset turned out to be Missouri thrashing 21st ranked Notre Dame. Only problem was, Missouri was the ranked team, Notre Dame the unranked team.

Also on the way home last night. ... heard (paraphrasing) "when we come back from the break we'll recap the top-25 scores, including a rout of a ranked team in in Kansas City." The upset turned out to be Missouri thrashing 21st ranked Notre Dame. Only problem was, Missouri was the ranked team, Notre Dame the unranked team.

Were you able to sleep last night?

Yes, I slept fine, thanks for asking.

I figured there's so much gnashing of teeth here about how unimpressive the Gophers are, I'd change it up a bit and gnash my teeth about something completely different.

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