
Costa Rican Gopher

Mind of a Scientist
Nov 22, 2008
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This was one of the main criticisms people had of Brew is that his teams were undisciplined & often shot themselves in the foot with penalties. The thinking was this was 100% lack of coaching/discipline. Last year, especially early on when there was no improvement some of those same people switched gears & became apologists saying "Well you can tell them where to line up & the snap count but ultimately the players have to execute". Last night we had 11 penalties for 85 yards. At what point do we start holding KillCo accountable for this?

I am sure KillCo are as unhappy as we are with all those penalties are we are. What I am not sure is how KillCo addresses this issue other than making it a priority. One of the tools he uses is to have refs at his practices to let players know when they commit a penalty. Does anybody else have any thoughts about this?

I don't think we should expect an elimination of penalties from Kill's teams. But we should expect improvement from one game to the next. And we should expect that individual players will learn to not make the same mistakes again.

This was the first game, and the bar wasn't set very high - but I expect Kill to solve the issues more effectively and quickly than Brew ever did.

I am sure KillCo are as unhappy as we are with all those penalties are we are. What I am not sure is how KillCo addresses this issue other than making it a priority. One of the tools he uses is to have refs at his practices to let players know when they commit a penalty. Does anybody else have any thoughts about this?

Most teams have refs at practice. It is a common practice (pun intended)

ok...what year were the players getting flagged for the penalties...seniors, right?

This was one of the main criticisms people had of Brew is that his teams were undisciplined & often shot themselves in the foot with penalties. The thinking was this was 100% lack of coaching/discipline. Last year, especially early on when there was no improvement some of those same people switched gears & became apologists saying "Well you can tell them where to line up & the snap count but ultimately the players have to execute". Last night we had 11 penalties for 85 yards. At what point do we start holding KillCo accountable for this?

I don't recall anyone saying that penalties are 100% on coaching. Even the most well-disciplined teams have some penalties. The number of penalties per game was significantly less in the second half of last season compares to the first part of the season.

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