Think outside the box(lot)
Having been to Lincoln, Columbus, Happy Valley, Camp Randal and other great atmosphere campuses like in the SEC.... you people miss the big picture. It is not about having one big lot, it is about having fun. Closing Washington Avenue is a blessing. It should be one big open party. Just stay off the tracks. Go to Sally's, the Big Ten, Stub and Herb's ...etc. The Hotel should have a huge beer tent. Check out Lincoln. Every hotel on campus has a beer garden packed to the rafters. People wander around all day. Tailgating is different. Very limited lots for that and a walk from the stadium(just like Camp Randal). They don't bust people for having a good time.
Dinkytown should be a just like High Street in Columbus. People wandering from bar to bar and then over to the game. How cool would it be for the Dinkytown business's to get slammed all day until an hour before Kickoff and then have a mass of people walk down the hill to the open end of the stadium.
As for tailgating lots..... think outside the box. Numbers!!!! One spot for every four season tickets. Also, don't forget your seat premium counts as a gift for parking rights. 4x250=1,000 for those from the General College. Get a group together,make a donation, load everything in one vehicle and all your buds park at the fairgrounds or take the light rail and meet at the lot. This whole Minnesota show up late and expect a great parking spot mentality is funny to listen to. The tailgating lots should be like a family reunion... you don't know who that strange person is standing next to you.... but offer them a drink of thier choice and a brat. You have something in common. You are there to cheer on some kids.
The most important thing is for the U to allow this to happen. Message to ADMIN... don't be jerks, allow the campus to be a party. Coach Kill has that right. Shut down Oak Street and a couple others side streets. Start the party. Make it a pedestrian area and let people have parties on thier private property. Make them ID just like at the state fair with wrist bands so they don't sell to underage drinkers. This is not hard stuff.
It all starts with each of us. I know we can't always get there super early and go all day. This Saturday, I will be in Ski-U-Mah with my wife, 5 year old, twelve year old and two of her friends. We will grill out, sing the the band, do all that makes a great game day and enjoy a Gopher victory.