Pathetic Badger fan

CP Gopher

Active member
Nov 21, 2008
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I witnessed something yesterday that irritated the hell out of me.
Went to the top of the stadium (corner of closed end on Gopher bench side) to take some twilight pictures toward the end of the 3rd quarter.
A few rows from the top, there were four Gopher fans (a woman and three elementary school-aged boys) sitting among a sea of Badger fans. When the Gophers made a good play, these boys would high-five each other or do the "first down" cheer. They were having fun, and the score didn't seem to bother them much.
After the Gophers turned the ball over on downs (early in the 4th maybe?), a male Wisconsin fan about 50 years old, who was about four rows behind them, stood and leaned forward at the boys while shouting, "THAT'S A BADGER FIRST DOWN!... I DON'T HEAR YA, NOW?... LOOK AT THE SCOREBOARD, BOYS!".
He continued this for about 30 seconds, much to the embarrassment of the woman (wife maybe) and younger girl he he was with. A few other Badger fans seated nearby told him to knock it off, to which he replied, "We need to let them know this is Badger territory!" His antics scared the four Gopher fans, who left shortly after.
The guy was just a complete d-bag.
I realize there are idiots everywhere, and we have some of our own fans who are over the top. But after the Penn State thing, I just found it really disturbing to see this guy verbally attack some 10-year-old kids who were just having a good time.
I sent an email to the University of Wisconsin AD about it, though I'm not sure what good it will do.

Every program has fans like that, and IMO the more successful the program, the more A-hole fans it has. I respect the B-fans that said something but it sounds like they should have done more.

I was at a vikes-packers game years ago and had the packer-fan-from-hell sitting behind me. Complete jerk. He had what looked like his 10 year old daughter with him and she was embarressed to death. Doubt she'll ever go to another football game of any kind.

Did someone drag him out of there and whomp his ass? I know a lot of you anti violence types are going to argue that..... but that's what needs to happen to these pricks. They need their ass kicked good and proper.

Anybody that can't understand that college football is just a silly sporting event......god, does it really need to be said......should just stay the F home. How do you go out of your way to spoil the event for some kids? I hope any goofball gopher fans out there are reading this. And if you can't drink without becoming a prick, don't drink.

He was a big guy, about 6-2 and I'm guessing 270. He did sit down when admonished by a few Badger fans sitting around him, but the damage had already been done.
The last Viking game I went to (vs. Carolina) I witnessed a "fan" shout some of the most vile obscenities I've ever heard at Jake Delhomme after he had the audacity to throw a touchdown pass. When I turned to look at the guy I noticed he was standing next to his young son, who had a look of complete horror.

He was a big guy, about 6-2 and I'm guessing 270. He did sit down when admonished by a few Badger fans sitting around him, but the damage had already been done.
The last Viking game I went to (vs. Carolina) I witnessed a "fan" shout some of the most vile obscenities I've ever heard at Jake Delhomme after he had the audacity to throw a touchdown pass. When I turned to look at the guy I noticed he was standing next to his young son, who had a look of complete horror.

That's pretty trim for a Wisconsinite. I would have liked to be there to whisper some sweet nothings in his ear as a badger player was being carted off the field. I should say, I feel bad for the actual player who hurt himself but for the fanbase that chants "shoot him like a horse" at their field, nothing is off limits.

as long as we are on this, how do all those red shirts get in the student section. If they are Gopher students that root for becky, so be it. If they are becky fans just getting a cheap seat then that needs to stop. Make these students show a fee statement when they come in. Sorry if I offend any of you liberals out there.

Someone should have just told him to STFU.

someone should have taken him out.

I was surprised to receive an email response from the UW athletic department tonight. I've tried pasting it but it won't work so I'll paraphrase what they sent. It basically said they feel bad about the incident, but that individual fan behavior at a road game is pretty much out of their hands. They did say they've stepped up efforts to improve fan etiquette in the past two years after receiving numerous complaints from even their own fans.

I saw a drunk Badger fan, with wild blood-shot eyes, walking the streets of dinkytown during the 3rd quarter yelling at anyone in maroon and gold walking by, "YOU DIDN'T EVEN GIVE US A F'N GAME", "GIVE US A GAME". Anyone who looked back the wrong way got a personal insult thrown their way.

I'm not going to generalize and say all Badger fans are like this...every team has their share of idiots. Us too. It's the responsibility of us, Gopher fans, to police our own if we ever see anything like that from our side. It's just not cool.

Have you noticed that Wisconsin is the only program where you have so many posts dealing with the opposing fans. It would not be a Badger/Gopher game with me seeing at least a dozen Badger fans getting carted off in cuffs.

I had a few jackasses in my section as well. It was a trifecta. The moron woman who obviously never goes to a game because she still had the tags on her clothes and hat and tried to mock the first down cheer and did it for the Badgers and plugged the person across the aisle from her. The drunkin buffoon...who was a 50ish little man who had a Napoleonic complex and would say crap but you could never understand. The know it all fat bastard... usually older guy who thinks he knows what he is talking about and has no freaking clue what he is talking about but wants to look smart to his wife who just sits there and says yes to everything he says. I felt bad for the guy because a few people would make fun of him because of his weight, but that went away by some of his jackass comments.

My wife went to undergrad at Wisconsin and Graduate School at the U and she was completely embarrassed by the Wisconsin fans.

Having lived in Madison for ten years, I noticed that a high majority of the jerkoff Badger fans did not go to UW-Madison; but rather some other directional school like UW-Oshkosh or Whitewater if they even did go to a Wisconsin school.

I had a 20-something year old Badger girl sitting next to me in section 237 and the rest of her family had Gopher colors on. She was so ignorant of what was going on, there were at least 3 times when she started clapping despite a good play for the Gophers, and then immediately stopped when she saw me clapping or standing up.

The one opposing 'fan' that stands out in my mind is actually a Michigan fan.

He was a 40-something-year-old guy, who, of course, had his 10-year-old son with him.

It was 6 or 7 years ago, and a bunch of us guys were sitting together in the Dome, cheering pretty hard and having a good time.

All of a sudden, this D-Bag (please forgive my french:p) shows up with his son...then finds 2 empty seats and sits right in the middle of our group. He had more than 20,000 other empty seats -- and lots of nearly empty sections -- to choose from, but instead he plops down with us...and makes it a point to cheer wildly like an imbecile in his Michigan gear whenever things weren't going our way. He was there for one provoke one or more of us into doing something that we would regret later.
It was awkward for everyone there...

Needless to say, about a dozen of us decided to split apart from our larger group, and we went and watched the 2nd half of the game in another part of the Dome, where we could enjoy the rest of the game in some degree of 'peace.'
Nothing against fans of opposing teams cheering hard and having a good time, as I actually like to talk with them and hear their perspectives on Big 10 football, etc. but this clown went so far overboard, it wasn't even funny.

The thought that has stayed with me, though, is the terrified look on the face of that poor 10-year-old boy, who knew better than his dad that he should have either been elsewhere in the Dome that day, or his dad should have been a bit more civilized when choosing to sit in our midst.

I have to say the worst thing I saw a badger fan do was when leaving the game. I don't know if people heard about it, or for sure what happened there myself, but apparently a pedestrian got hit by a car on the intersection of University and Huron. Well there were cop cars everywhere and people were kind of standing on the corners waiting to be told to go or not because of the chaos. While we were all waiting, some idiot guy in red and white overalls run into the middle of the street and grabs the gold hat laying in the street and runs back to the corner (I was on the other side of the street). This was, of course, the hat of the pedestrian that was hit and was still in the street for the purpose of evidence and all that. So a few seconds later you see a cop angrily toss the hat back where it was lying on the ground. Which makes me wonder, how f***ing stupid do you have to be to steal a hat from the scene of an accident? It was pretty obvious why the hat was there to everyone around us and everybody was shocked someone could be that stupid, but I guess nothing should surprise us when it comes to the stupidity of badger fans.

Although one good experience I had with a Wisconsin fan: When me and my friends were leaving the game I said something along the lines of "At least we can sleep at night knowing we're better human beings than them." To which the female badger fan walking in front of us turned around and threw her hands up and turned back around. We then joked about how she didn't actually dispute the claim. She then turned around and told us that she really couldn't and we were right. We then all talked isht about BB, she hates him just as much as I do it seemed. So she showed there are SOME good badger fans. Then about 1 minute later is when the first story happened, reverting the hatred back to normal.

Had no issues with any Badger fans in the student section, which was shocking. Strictly speaking student section, Iowa was way worse.

I saw a drunk Badger fan, with wild blood-shot eyes, walking the streets of dinkytown during the 3rd quarter yelling at anyone in maroon and gold walking by, "YOU DIDN'T EVEN GIVE US A F'N GAME", "GIVE US A GAME". Anyone who looked back the wrong way got a personal insult thrown their way.

I'm not going to generalize and say all Badger fans are like this...every team has their share of idiots. Us too. It's the responsibility of us, Gopher fans, to police our own if we ever see anything like that from our side. It's just not cool.

Completely agree.

Did someone drag him out of there and whomp his ass? I know a lot of you anti violence types are going to argue that..... but that's what needs to happen to these pricks. They need their ass kicked good and proper.
Adovcating law breaking. Just another reason why Gopher fans are low rent.

In the interest of full disclosure, I have to say that the Badger fans sitting near me were quite subdued and respectful. They were also a little bit older and didn't seemed obsessed with setting new personal blood alcohol content records, so that probably helped. The worst thing I saw was a couple of "lubricated" Badgers that were so out of it they didn't know to remove their hats during the National Anthem.

I never see any of the good stuff. I was on the 50 and the section had about 30% Badgers fans and their was not one problem. In fact, I did not see any issues at all anywhere I was all day. Somehow I always miss the fun.

as long as we are on this, how do all those red shirts get in the student section. If they are Gopher students that root for becky, so be it. If they are becky fans just getting a cheap seat then that needs to stop. Make these students show a fee statement when they come in. Sorry if I offend any of you liberals out there.

Why in the world do you think that this has anything to do with liberalism? After all, you're calling for regulation rather than letting the free market determine where people sit.

Some people just don't know how at behave as guests. There are a lot of places that are far less tolerant of visiting fans being asses.

I too witnessed something that irritated me, 11 guys on the field that had no chance.

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