

Active member
Jul 22, 2009
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So, if I got this right he/she reads espn all the time and post anti gopher stuff. Does this person post here?

I believe he was banned. You can enjoy his shtick in the comments of from time to time as well. At one point, there were some awesome pics of him playing with a light saber floating around the Interwebs. He is the very definition of awesome.

This guy is he definition of a POS hawkeye fan. A loser to the core, he literally makes it his life's work to slander and degrade the Gopher football program, and more specifically Coach Brewster, he has an erotic fascination with Coach Brew, it's really weird, he also plays with light sabers and was brought to tears by Harry Potter. Basically he's a 40 year old internet loser. He definitely reads here, though every time he tries to post he is banned. Check KFAN boards, Startribune, ESPN, Pioneer press, he's the one posting insanity and hatred toward the football team and Coach Brewster. Enough said, and unfortunately this thread will make his year as it will validate him in his mind as a man, which he is not.

He is a poor excuse for a human being.

He makes GV, schlong and their ilk look like upstanding citizens.

I wouldn't be surprised if he posted here under another alias. I have a few suspects.

My guess is PH is also Brewsterhaha person on the Strib. What a goofball.
My hobbies are considered strange, but his tops it in regards to uselessness.


This is the world-famous PantherHawk. Loser with a capital "L". I guarantee he's never put on a pair of cleats.

Honestly, there is no one here that even remotely reminds of Pantherhawk. Some of the trolls on this board are a bit annoying, but he is a full on complete psychopath. His entire myspace is absolutely hilarious. However, like a year ago someone found some postings he made on an online book review of Harry Potter (used either Pantherhawk or Exiled Jedi an it was obviously him), and he went on and on about how the book made him cry and how emotional reading Harry Potter was. If anyone else knows what i'm talking about and how to find those reviews, you should post them, they were classic.

Question for the vets on here-is Pantherhawk formally known as C-Note Hawkeye? That guy was beyond delusional. . .he had Iowa's version of the "chair in the eye socket" story I believe, about getting into it with a next door neighbor in Apple Valley because he made a joke about his neighbor posting a Gopher sign in his front yard. . .also claimed some physical confrontation with Gopher fans, where naturally he got the better of them. . .and oh yeah, claimed Minneapolis was the jungle that Axl Rose sang about (my words, not his) and how frightening it was to venture out of Apple Valley towards the big city. Ahh, he was memorable, for asinine reasons of course.

I wouldn't be surprised if he posted here under another alias. I have a few suspects.

Would one of those suspects be wait!what?? Sorry wait!wait?, it was too easy. ;)

One thing I would like to point out is none of his myspace photos show him with a female who could be construed as a significant other. There are a lot of homoerotic photos of Hawkeye football players though. I'm no psychologist, but I think Pantherhawk has a lack of confidence with women and some latent homosexual tendencies. His internet attacks give him feelings of power, like he's some grand manipulator who is undermining the morale of gopher fans . However, he just an angry loner, which is no different than any other internet crank with yours truly being the lone exception. :rolleyes:

My guess is PH is also Brewsterhaha person on the Strib. What a goofball.
My hobbies are considered strange, but his tops it in regards to uselessness.

i have thought the same thing when i see that filth on the strib website. they have too much in common to not be the same obsessive hogeye loser.

Honestly, there is no one here that even remotely reminds of Pantherhawk. Some of the trolls on this board are a bit annoying, but he is a full on complete psychopath. His entire myspace is absolutely hilarious. However, like a year ago someone found some postings he made on an online book review of Harry Potter (used either Pantherhawk or Exiled Jedi an it was obviously him), and he went on and on about how the book made him cry and how emotional reading Harry Potter was. If anyone else knows what i'm talking about and how to find those reviews, you should post them, they were classic.

this is what you are referring to. it is about halfway down the page. just do a "Ctrl F" search for "pantherhawk". what an interesting fellow pussyhawk is. :rolleyes:


This is the world-famous PantherHawk. Loser with a capital "L". I guarantee he's never put on a pair of cleats.

This is the kind of guy that girls dread will try to talk to them. This fact, in fact, makes him cry. This is why he acts like a tough guy on the Internet. Most of his leisure time is spent playing out fantasies in his mind where he is respected.

I don't remember much of pantherhawk, but when I started lurking here a few years back I remember Loon sticking out like a sore thumb all of the time. I really didn't like that guy.

As much as I dislike this gentleman, at least he admits to be a fan of another team. What really pisses me off is all the people claiming to be Gopher fans but so overtly root for their demise.

This is the kind of guy that girls dread will try to talk to them. This fact, in fact, makes him cry. This is why he acts like a tough guy on the Internet. Most of his leisure time is spent playing out fantasies in his mind where he is respected.

LOL.........You sound like a psychologist and you are probably right on all counts. You never want to engage in an argument or debate with the likes of pantherhawk. You can't reason with him and in the end you have to descend to his level to talk to him and then you BOTH look like idiots.

my space photos

gold, pure gold! i figured the light sabre comments were a joke. hilarious! i would guess he is using google alert to notify him of new goph articles cuz otherwise he is just constantly checking for updates to post about.

Pantherhawk is a TOOL of the biggest BOX.

dude was banned on bisonville in about 4 hours, he has a chubby for Northern Iowa and didnt like the fact that NDSU brought 4000+ fans down to their 14,000 capacity unidump for a football game and went off on us.

oh well, that dude is a complete nerd. at least Im cool and trash talk and go back and forth...

C-Note, HA!!!

Question for the vets on here-is Pantherhawk formally known as C-Note Hawkeye? That guy was beyond delusional. . .he had Iowa's version of the "chair in the eye socket" story I believe, about getting into it with a next door neighbor in Apple Valley because he made a joke about his neighbor posting a Gopher sign in his front yard. . .also claimed some physical confrontation with Gopher fans, where naturally he got the better of them. . .and oh yeah, claimed Minneapolis was the jungle that Axl Rose sang about (my words, not his) and how frightening it was to venture out of Apple Valley towards the big city. Ahh, he was memorable, for asinine reasons of course.

C-Note was/ is classic. I'm not sure if Pantherhawk is an alter ego of his or not, but it is definately possible.... I wish the Athletic department still offered lawn signs. I'd put one on every lawn in his "new" neighborhood since he says he moved from Apple Valley.

He looks like a fat nerdier version of Booger from revenge of the nerds, if thats possible

C-Note was/ is classic. I'm not sure if Pantherhawk is an alter ego of his or not, but it is definately possible.... I wish the Athletic department still offered lawn signs. I'd put one on every lawn in his "new" neighborhood since he says he moved from Apple Valley.

If I can recall, I don't think Pantherhawk has ever lived in MN. I remember from Rubechat that he lives in Maryland and is from Iowa.

Pantherhawk is a TOOL of the biggest BOX.

dude was banned on bisonville in about 4 hours, he has a chubby for Northern Iowa and didnt like the fact that NDSU brought 4000+ fans down to their 14,000 capacity unidump for a football game and went off on us.

oh well, that dude is a complete nerd. at least Im cool and trash talk and go back and forth...

You are also a TOOL in the same BOX as Pantherhawk. No one cares about North Dakota or their "football" team

As much as I dislike this gentleman, at least he admits to be a fan of another team. What really pisses me off is all the people claiming to be Gopher fans but so overtly root for their demise.

He is less a fan of his team than he is a hater of the Gophers. He would rather the Gophers lose than the Hawkeyes win.

The leather jacket with sweat pants photos are sweet. Almost as sweet as having 3 different pictures of yourself next to your 10 year old pick up truck.

PH used to trap gophers as a kid.

One day he stuck his finger down the hole and got bit.

It's never been the same for him since.

Just How Good Is PantherHawk?

BlackHeartGoldPants, an IOWA site, is considering giving him the Banhammer for what he wrote on, and the commentariat seems to be OK with it.

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