For whatever it's worth PantherHawk is universally hated by every Iowa board he posts on too. It's fun to root against the Gophers and all, but he takes it to an extreme that's downright creepy.
"creepy" is the word that always comes to my mind when I see the writings of Pantherhawk. It has been mentioned but it should also be highlighted that on many boards he no longer posts as "Pantherhawk". He has been banned on several boards. On some he has re-registered with other names and toned it down just enough to get by. In other boards, such as this one, he still references and quotes but no longer posts.
I certainly don't look for his stuff or rarely comment on it (thinking that is the kind of attention he is looking for) but in those situations where you can't miss him, I have noticed the following themes:
1) As previously said, he spends much more of his time trashing Minnesota and the Gophers than he does showing any real loyalty to Iowa. Although he is clearly an Iowa fan, he rarely talks Iowa football. 98% of his writing is just to trash Minnesota.
2) He backs off but does not completely go away when someone posts the light saber pictures or other personal shots of him. He usually doesn't post in the same thread once someone posts those photos. He just backs off, gets quiet for a bit, and then restarts the process in a different thread. It seems as though regardless of what thread he appears, the light saber pictures are sure to follow.
3) In the same way, he usually won't engage in an actual discussion or argument. He will drop his anti-MN one liners here and there and will call out another post but won't take it much farther than that.
4) Usually, fellow Hawkeye fans call him out or rip on him and he just completely ignores that. I feel far more sorry for Iowa fans than I do for his intended target... All things Gopher.
All in all it makes me wonder if there is some sort of mental disorder, or if there was some sort of watershed moment that twisted him so badly. Did some equally screwed up Gopher fan beat him up years ago? Was it all induced from a dream? On some level discussions like this probably fuel his twisted sense of self-worth (he has to be looking for attention) and I realize I am feeding into that. But, at the same time I realize there are people out there that don't know about him.
It is easy for anyone (Iowa or Gopher fan alike) to dislike him based on his "writings" but after you see his pattern repeat itself, if you think about it objectively, you just can't help but feel sorry for him. I do. I really do.