
BlackHeartGoldPants, an IOWA site, is considering giving him the Banhammer for what he wrote on, and the commentariat seems to be OK with it.

What was it that he/she/it wrote on

my guess is that his homophobic comments are the reason that readers can no longer comment on the blog posts at ESPN

What was it that he/she/it wrote on

"Hock Family = Family of Lying Losers! Enjoy your gooferesque bowl games with zero fan support and your man.....errrr college experience at Deliverance North U. !"

Yeah that sounds like Pantherhawk all right. Loser.
I am sure there would be plenty of ammunition to go on their message board and badmouth their lousy basketball team but why bother? It's not worth the time and I try to have just a little more class than that.

Pantherhawk is a TOOL of the biggest BOX.

dude was banned on bisonville in about 4 hours, he has a chubby for Northern Iowa and didnt like the fact that NDSU brought 4000+ fans down to their 14,000 capacity unidump for a football game and went off on us.

oh well, that dude is a complete nerd. at least Im cool and trash talk and go back and forth...

That is false. Pantherhawk lasted for weeks at Bisonville, and was warmly embraced. Eventually his schtick wore out there and he was banned, but only after it was clear that although he was there to talk trash about the Gophers, he had no respect for NDSU.

In any case, Patherhawk may be a tool, but you're in the same toolbox.

Question for the vets on here-is Pantherhawk formally known as C-Note Hawkeye? That guy was beyond delusional. . .he had Iowa's version of the "chair in the eye socket" story I believe, about getting into it with a next door neighbor in Apple Valley because he made a joke about his neighbor posting a Gopher sign in his front yard. . .also claimed some physical confrontation with Gopher fans, where naturally he got the better of them. . .and oh yeah, claimed Minneapolis was the jungle that Axl Rose sang about (my words, not his) and how frightening it was to venture out of Apple Valley towards the big city. Ahh, he was memorable, for asinine reasons of course.

I've known people who have to wear Depends when they venture into the big scary city, because they might well lose control of their bowels due to their abject fear. I knew someone who moved lived in Coon Rapids. That was too scary, so they moved to Elk River. Even that was too scary, so were thinking of moving again. Coon Rapids scary? Elk River scary? Someone like that will never be able to run away from their own cowardice, they will be scared no matter where they go.

Minneapolis is Little House on the Friggen Prairie. If he wants to see somewhere scary, try Miami. I lived down there, and people heaving bricks through your car, and dragging you out of it wasn't at all uncommon.

Minneapolis is Little House on the Friggen Prairie. If he wants to see somewhere scary, try Miami. I lived down there, and people heaving bricks through your car, and dragging you out of it wasn't at all uncommon.
I crack a smile when I think of some of the truely scary places I've been and picture dumping Pantherhawk in the middle of them. DC, Dallas, West Palm Beach and Miami all come to mind.:cool02:

I crack a smile when I think of some of the truely scary places I've been and picture dumping Pantherhawk in the middle of them. DC, Dallas, West Palm Beach and Miami all come to mind.:cool02:

Just dump PH somewhere north of the Arctic Circle and let him find all of his friends.

Pantherhawk is a TOOL of the biggest BOX.

dude was banned on bisonville in about 4 hours, he has a chubby for Northern Iowa and didnt like the fact that NDSU brought 4000+ fans down to their 14,000 capacity unidump for a football game and went off on us.

oh well, that dude is a complete nerd. at least Im cool and trash talk and go back and forth...

Coming from the guy that stunk up Cyclone Fanatic for the entire summer... Still watiting for that "Bison Pride" to beat us.

sorry bout that guys, none of us hawks really claim panther either. He is definitely a person i would vote to have sterilized so as not to reproduce..... of course we wont have to worry about that as a women would have to be willing to let him touch her.:p

For whatever it's worth PantherHawk is universally hated by every Iowa board he posts on too. It's fun to root against the Gophers and all, but he takes it to an extreme that's downright creepy.

For whatever it's worth PantherHawk is universally hated by every Iowa board he posts on too. It's fun to root against the Gophers and all, but he takes it to an extreme that's downright creepy.

"creepy" is the word that always comes to my mind when I see the writings of Pantherhawk. It has been mentioned but it should also be highlighted that on many boards he no longer posts as "Pantherhawk". He has been banned on several boards. On some he has re-registered with other names and toned it down just enough to get by. In other boards, such as this one, he still references and quotes but no longer posts.

I certainly don't look for his stuff or rarely comment on it (thinking that is the kind of attention he is looking for) but in those situations where you can't miss him, I have noticed the following themes:

1) As previously said, he spends much more of his time trashing Minnesota and the Gophers than he does showing any real loyalty to Iowa. Although he is clearly an Iowa fan, he rarely talks Iowa football. 98% of his writing is just to trash Minnesota.
2) He backs off but does not completely go away when someone posts the light saber pictures or other personal shots of him. He usually doesn't post in the same thread once someone posts those photos. He just backs off, gets quiet for a bit, and then restarts the process in a different thread. It seems as though regardless of what thread he appears, the light saber pictures are sure to follow.
3) In the same way, he usually won't engage in an actual discussion or argument. He will drop his anti-MN one liners here and there and will call out another post but won't take it much farther than that.
4) Usually, fellow Hawkeye fans call him out or rip on him and he just completely ignores that. I feel far more sorry for Iowa fans than I do for his intended target... All things Gopher.

All in all it makes me wonder if there is some sort of mental disorder, or if there was some sort of watershed moment that twisted him so badly. Did some equally screwed up Gopher fan beat him up years ago? Was it all induced from a dream? On some level discussions like this probably fuel his twisted sense of self-worth (he has to be looking for attention) and I realize I am feeding into that. But, at the same time I realize there are people out there that don't know about him.

It is easy for anyone (Iowa or Gopher fan alike) to dislike him based on his "writings" but after you see his pattern repeat itself, if you think about it objectively, you just can't help but feel sorry for him. I do. I really do.

That is false. Pantherhawk lasted for weeks at Bisonville, and was warmly embraced. Eventually his schtick wore out there and he was banned, but only after it was clear that although he was there to talk trash about the Gophers, he had no respect for NDSU.

In any case, Patherhawk may be a tool, but you're in the same toolbox.

He was never warmly embraced...he was mainly ignored until he started polluting the entire board with his garbage.

He has been banned twice from our site and even has a few threads in the hall of shame.

I'm posting this on the USC Scout site...this guy is a piece of work...sorry for bumping this old thread. The guy has to be put in his place on our board.

All in all it makes me wonder if there is some sort of mental disorder

The insane walk among us. No question about that. There is a larger segment of society than we probably want to realize that is one little hiccup away from going flat-out berzerk. This guy seems to be one of them. Would it really surprise any of us if he showed up on the news on one night?

Would you commentors stop sucking into a$$hole's comments and relax? Have a beer.

This is like "Ground Hog Day" and "What About Bob" rolled into one.

Pantherhawk is really cool and popular. I saw his facebook page and he's friends with all these big time high school athletes.

This is the kind of guy that girls dread will try to talk to them. This fact, in fact, makes him cry. This is why he acts like a tough guy on the Internet. Most of his leisure time is spent playing out fantasies in his mind where he is respected.

I guarantee this d-bag has never felt the inside of a pu$$y!

This is turning into "Night of the Living Dead"! It has been dead for so long someone ressurected it and now it is growing in posts!!! Quick someone shoot it in the head!

People are getting bored with this guy. The same old, same old means you kind of fade into obscurity.

This is happening.

Lucky for Iowa he isn't Nevin Shapiro. I'd hate to see how much trouble he would get the program in.

I would love it if he was found to be the Nevin Shapiro of Iowa. My feelings wouldn't be hurt in the least.

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