OT: IA-ISU replace old rivalry trophy with this new one....

Wow. Who are the idiots that signed off on this thing? That thing is unbelievably bad.


Well played Formo. Well played.

It's not mine, I wish I had thought of it. I'm just the messenger. =)

It's "Oregon Trail" for those of you that didn't play rudimentary video games. Like I did.

I knew I had seen this somewhere before.


when you see the underside, it says: Designer = Pantherhawk

It looks like they are about to sacrifice that girl to the corn god.

So, maybe it's just fine for an Iowa trophy.

We really need a caption contest for this. How strange.

Go Gophers!!
"Son, it's been a tough year. The draught really hit us hard. So we sold you to the Johnsons for this bushel of corn. You're going to live with them from now on."

How about this as a model for a new trophy. This little guy has either had a bit too much weed (ISU) or just finished a strength and conditioning workout (Iowa).


Gawd, Do iowans really look at themselves they way the entire country does? I mean an iowa company made an iowa trophy for two iowa teams. And this is what they feel represents them the best?!? So pathetic.

It's actually a scene from an educational film shown to Iowa schoolkids:

"What not to shove up your ass"

This is a rivalry football game, not a commercial for the Iowa Chamber of Commerce/Tourism/Whatever. Brutal!

That's not a football trophy, it's a humanitarian award.

“We digested all the negative and positive feedback,” Williamson said. “It was overwhelming. That’s why we’re calling the press conference.”

I'm gonna guess the overwhelming feedback was negative.

Oh Monty... I had just copied the same section of the article and was going to say the exact same thing. You beat me to it. It's always funny when people make huge mistakes and then frame the response with words like "negative and positive feedback" as if it was sort of even.

Bummer. I was hoping they'd keep it.

They announced that they are withdrawing the new trophy as revealed last weekend. They are going to introduce a few different concepts and allow fans to vote for their favorite.

And they are going to have an interim trophy for this year's game. What a disaster all-around.

They announced that they are withdrawing the new trophy as revealed last weekend. They are going to introduce a few different concepts and allow fans to vote for their favorite.

And they are going to have an interim trophy for this year's game. What a disaster all-around.

That's disappointing. I was looking forward to many years of making fun of that atrocity.

Ya, as stated it is still an overall train wreck of a change... but I was looking forward to some more self-amusing moments with paintbrush. Of course it should totally be remembered that it is possible they will come up with something WORSE, especially since they are letting their self-absorbed fans into the action.

That's what I love about our trophies - that they are not trophies at all. It's an Ax, a Pig, and a Jug. They are artifacts that have meaning, rather than some artists interpretation of what the game should mean.

“But Pa, Mom and Sis told me this whole thing was really a bushel of crap.”

They should seriously keep it along with the new trophy and make the loser take it home haha

Should just give out half price meth coupons to their local dealers.

I do have to say, UU wins this thread with his educational video comment.

LOL! And now the Iowa St. VS Iowa football game brought to you by the Iowa corn growers assn. LOL. Who designed that hunk of crap? The FFA? Local 4H group? Most likely the corn growers assn. Yeah, lets let someone completely unassociated with colegiate sports design our new trophy. Ha ha.

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