A few points IMO on the setting the bar low angle:
-It is late in the process, most top rated recruits require previous relationships to commit somewhere, sometimes even 3-4 years of relationships.
-Local recruits like Levine get offers from new coaches to gain favor and goodwill with in-state HS programs. No doubt a slow play could still nab an in state kid if a big fish doesn't come through, but it's a bad precedent to start out with. wisky does this with success because they have a long standing relationship with the HS coaches and a popular instate following, we have a new coach and a mixed loyalty local population.
-We still can get some higher rated/desired recruits: Sankey, Carter, Butler all have good programs after them.
-Kill is recruiting for HIS system, he see's what he needs right now, what pieces he is missing, etc. The WR's, TE's and Hbacks are lacking quality depth on offense, see Rohr and Bush's position changes combined with the the signing of Rabe, Campion and Harris as immediate help.
Our DB depth and quality is very shaky as well, see Crawford/Osunde/Jones
-3399- The one thing I see as a big difference between Kill and other coaches who climbed the ranks with success at lower levels and failed at the top is this:
Kill has beaten/hung tough with several Big Ten programs including victories against Indiana(while at SIU), Purdue, us, and tough games against Illinois, wisky, and even Tennessee. All on the road, all with inferior talent. To me, that shows he can get the job done his way and have success.
-This class and the last will lay a foundation of success for the next 4 years if they indeed stick around(a real concern). Highly rated quality and quantity of offensive linemen and runningbacks paired with a large amount of DB's and LB/TE's of varying quality and skills will help to ensure our running game is solid, and our defense is flexible and multidimensional. I forsee several of our linebacker recruits to end up as pass rushing DE's(1 or more of Mitchell/Moore/Matilus) and several of our DB's to find niche roles that can be used to hide coverages and add wrinkles.
-Bottom line, I see that this class isn't flashy, neither was last year's, but the types of players Kill is bringing in will allow for future speedy skill players to have success in his system.