Original Songs

I was discussing Wes Anderson movies with a coworker and defending Life Aquatic as my favorite. One of the best parts are all the Bowie covers in Portuguese by Seu Jorge.


I was discussing Wes Anderson movies with a coworker and defending Life Aquatic as my favorite. One of the best parts are all the Bowie covers in Portuguese by Seu Jorge.

I side with your co-worker as to where The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou ranks in the Wes Anderson pantheon, but I did enjoy the Bowie/Portuguese covers.

I do like the film, just not as much as most (maybe all) of his others. I also appreciate that it brought Willem Dafoe into the troupe as well as others.

Capping off this Song of the Day exercise actually was a bit of an internal debate. Probably 6 that came to immediate mind, including songs by Lionel Richie and the Young Rascals.

I settled on this one, then debated to go with the original song writer or the also legendary artist that covered it.

I cheated and went hybrid. Johnny Cash & Kris Kristofferson with Sunday Morning Coming Down.


Such a great song.
I have it in my memory that Cash played it when he hosted SNL in the early 80s. I think it closed the as show for the End Credits with the cast sitting around sort of like a camp fire. That's what I was hunting for.

I gave up the search after several minutes. The one I posted is pretty cool anyway as a precursor to the future Highwaymen.

Capping off this Song of the Day exercise actually was a bit of an internal debate. Probably 6 that came to immediate mind, including songs by Lionel Richie and the Young Rascals.

I settled on this one, then debated to go with the original song writer or the also legendary artist that covered it.

I cheated and went hybrid. Johnny Cash & Kris Kristofferson with Sunday Morning Coming Down.

Bump. RIP to another Highwayman.


This is my favorite Ringo Starr song even including his time with the Beatles. Here's George Harrison demo version of It Don't Come Easy:


Just stumbled across this on X. Wow. At the risk of over-dramatizing it, kinda got goosebumps for a few seconds in the beginning. Very cool.


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