OK. . . so. . .we just hired a crazy person

I think I got diabetes after listening to that press conference.

Fleck is clearly insane--maybe in a good way--but at least Gopher football will be in some sort of national conversation from now on. The optics of Minnesota sports just improved. College Gameday is finally on the the horizon.

Definitely as advertised. Loved how he put the media on alert day 1.

Hoping he runs a public speaking course, I know a few pastors that could use a refresher on keeping the audience engaged.

He's quite the glass half full type and that's what our program needs. I don't think he'll turn us into a powerhouse but I know he'll die trying.

Crazy or not, what encourages me the most about the hire, is that we finally demonstrated a willingness to invest in the program. That’s something we haven’t done, until recently, for fifty years. And regardless of how you feel about Kaler and Coyle, they made it happen.

I see him as a poor man's Dabo Sweeny. I do think recruiting will take a step up. Would love to see classes that are like the 2016 class consistently. It was looking like Claeys couldn't deliver that. As long as the recruits are more Kill era than Brewster era, I'll be cautiously optimistic about Fleck.

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