We can all handle a few drops of rain, but has anyone been soaked to the bone in 35 degree weather for 3 hours, its not that fun.
Do I just go with the 15 dollar pvc rainsuit from the gas station, or do I shell out for some really "great stuff"? What is "great stuff"? What is reasonable but works really well?
That's all I was after.[/QUOTE]
There's a HUGE difference between sitting in 'water repellent' gear and 'water proof' gear. The $15 poncho will repel rain for a bit but you will eventually get soaked underneath. The water proof stuff will hold up much longer, feel more comofrtable and will keep you dry for many, many hours. HOWEVER, make sure you get 'breathable' water proof gear from an outdoor place like REI. Some of the rubberized water proof stuff will keep the rain out but the sweat in so you'll end up getting just as wet as water repellent stuff. Breathable lets your perspiration escape and will keep you dry inside. Most of the really good stuff runs from about $75-125 for jackets and $50-75 for pants. REI.com can further aid your question.