Official What I HATE about Wisconsin Thread

I hate that my HS colors became evil the second I graduated. Bastards.

I hate that I got the answer wrong in 2nd grade on the test asking us what the colors of the American flag were as I only put down white and blue and refused to acknowledge the other color. It was worth me getting the answer wrong even at that age.

Let's just say I am really glad the prevailing winds move from MN to Wis. I'm sure the lower peninsula is thankful for Lake Michigan.

I love the State of Wisconsin. It is the entire BADger syndrome that I hate.

I hate that this year having Wilson is turning out to be a waste.

I hate that this year having Wilson is turning out to be a waste.


Keeping Wilson in when Badgers had over 50 points - and going for more later. Sadistic.

I hate everything about Wisconsin...except their golf courses.

I'm in the minority here, as I hate Iowa 10x more than I hate Wisconsin. It's odd, because I hate Buliema and The Grinch more than I hate Ferentz and whoever the Iowa hoops coach is. What I hate more than anything else is that the good folks in Golden, Colorado got into bed with those pigs who pass that Wisconsin swampwater off as Miller Lite beer. Bastards.

I hate the fair-weatheredness of Wisconsin sports fans in general--they don't care when their team is losing but act like they are experts after their team wins something. Hence why I was born and raised in Wisconsin and the only team from the state I can stand are the Bucks. And currently I am a Veterinary Student at UW so it is even worse. (UofM undergrad)

I hate the fact that the Badgers have had a good team every single season of their existence .... oh wait that's just what the rubes at Camp Randall think is the history of their program.

I hate the fair-weatheredness of Wisconsin sports fans in general--they don't care when their team is losing but act like they are experts after their team wins something. Hence why I was born and raised in Wisconsin and the only team from the state I can stand are the Bucks. And currently I am a Veterinary Student at UW so it is even worse. (UofM undergrad)

I am so unbelievably sorry your a veterinary student at UW. Being a veterinary student at the U and interacting with a good number of the Wisky vet students, they area very personality lacking and fun hating group. (No offense to you, just the ones that I have met).

Wisconsin sucks.

I hate how confusing the *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#ing highway system is

I hate that their athletic department are a bunch of thieves.


I hate that they don't even have the decency to let a dead ungulate lie in peaceful dignity on the side of a road.

Let me summarize this thread. Minnesota fans hate Wisconsin because of two decades of watching men push their boys around. It gets old getting dominated. All the other stuff is just filler for the fact that the team you cheer for doesn't beat your neighboring rival.

We like you guys! Love having Minnesota as a protected rival. Or should I say, protected win?

Let me summarize this thread. Minnesota fans hate Wisconsin because of two decades of watching men push their boys around. It gets old getting dominated. All the other stuff is just filler for the fact that the team you cheer for doesn't beat your neighboring rival.

We like you guys! Love having Minnesota as a protected rival. Or should I say, protected win? I said.

Anyone have a picture of a dead badger? If not, there will plenty after the football game this Saturday! Including many of their stupid, drunken, idiotic fair -weather fans that will line University avenue with their vomit. Go Gophers! The AXE will return!!!

I hate the fair-weatheredness of Wisconsin sports fans in general--they don't care when their team is losing but act like they are experts after their team wins something. Hence why I was born and raised in Wisconsin and the only team from the state I can stand are the Bucks. And currently I am a Veterinary Student at UW so it is even worse. (UofM undergrad)

Obligatory, factual response to the fair weather epithet being applied to Wisconsin sports fans, who attend games when the team is not at the top of the Big Ten. I have only included UW figures from 1963 - 2009, but it is obvious that attendance fell only during the Morton years. I am sure the Gophers would love to have attendance near the 50K mark during the time a coach (Morton) of Brewster-like ineptitude was in charge. Meanwhile, the Packer waiting list is at over 83,000, with estimates that those at the end of list may be contacted in 2050.

You can hate Wisconsin for whatever reasons you want, but try to be factual on those items where facts are readily available.

Camp Randall Attendance

1963 61,223
1964 60,718
1965 56,428
1966 51,725
1967 52,495
1968 43,559
1969 48,898
1970 56,223
1971 68,131
1972 70,454
1973 60,400
1974 71,630
1975 73,962
1976 70,898
1977 72,682
1978 71,443
1979 73,979
1980 71,360
1981 71,640
1982 71,060
1983 69,787
1984 74,681
1985 71,613
1986 68,052
1987 59,256
1988 49,297
1989 41,734
1990 51,027
1991 49,676
1992 61,378
1993 75,507
1994 77,328
1995 78,222
1996 77,949
1997 77,880
1998 77,428
1999 78,081
2000 78,711
2001 78,333
2002 78,023
2003 78,486
2004 82,368
2005 82,551
2006 81,368
2007 81,747
2008 81,088
2009 80,109

Obligatory, factual response to the fair weather epithet being applied to Wisconsin sports fans, who attend games when the team is not at the top of the Big Ten. I have only included UW figures from 1963 - 2009, but it is obvious that attendance fell only during the Morton years. I am sure the Gophers would love to have attendance near the 50K mark during the time a coach (Morton) of Brewster-like ineptitude was in charge. Meanwhile, the Packer waiting list is at over 83,000, with estimates that those at the end of list may be contacted in 2050.

You can hate Wisconsin for whatever reasons you want, but try to be factual on those items where facts are readily available.

Not really untrue either. Same everywhere. I grew up in northern W when they were bad and you wouldn't have even known they had a team. Now, you'd think everyone graduated from Madison.

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