8 wins and Claeys is safe. I can't believe they'd dump him when he only wins 8 games...

I agree. He was saying beating WI was the only way to save his job. Which is ridiculous.

Still getting blown away upfront. Need more zone reads...

Still is filling Smith's receiving spot nicely.

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I think it depends on whether Coyle views Claeys as an extended interim. Ed Orgeron has to be the most successful interim coach in history and he can't keep a job.

First half: Leidner completes 5 passes. Offense can't get any momentum, series to series. Same old...

I'd say something about Still's hair, but I have a daughter who's is just as colorful.

Mitch 5 straight completions. 3 zone read plays. That's the formula to a winning O.

I wish they would hand off the ball to Smith for a TD instead of MITCH keeping it.

Does it seem like Still is limps after every time he is tackled? Just seems like he has a weak base. If he could build some size and keep his speed and height...he could be NFL...but he just seems thin with a weak core.

Even the refs playing defense for us...

Please stop blitzing and going cover 0, please. It's so unnecessary.

Our defensive philosophy seems to be if something isn't working, keep doing it.

F*ing ridiculous. Myrick, get your degree dude.

Torched. Man, we gotta stop being victim to these big plays.

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