Good play by North Carolina. Dang. Close game. Gophers may have a minute or half to come back assuming UNC score.

They need to go lock pj flecks office before this is over and let him row right outta town

Need another miracle from the defense. When does this get fun again?

Hurry and let them score so this epitome of an efficient offense can win the game

Both of these teams are just god-awful. The gophers won’t win more than four games this year. Another year without a passing game.

Win or lose I think it’s funny how many PJ apologists are on here. He is a really bad game day coach, ‘19 was mostly with Kill and Claeys guys and everything has kinda sucked since then.

Win or lose I think it’s funny how many PJ apologists are on here. He is a really bad game day coach, ‘19 was mostly with Kill and Claeys guys and everything has kinda sucked since then.
The PJ apologists are probably too young to remember good coaches or have Stockholm syndrome

I spit my beer out. Huard said something about chess and I saw PJ. Naw not getting the comparison.

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