***OFFICIAL*** New Mexico St. Gameday thread 9-10-11

Yeah, the punter is player of game. Not a good sign, eb?

What's with the tip toeing? The whole left side was open for a run. At least make them chase you to the sidelines.

Show me something in the fourth or I may give up on this team.

No QB controversy. With this D, Joe Montana couldn't win.

It's now or never! I get the sense that if we don't score a touchdown on THIS drive that it may be too late for a comeback. Being down by 10-14, without the ball, and having THIS defense...not pretty! Come on Gophers!

I'm making no excuses because our D has been horrendous all day but there've been quite a few blatant no-calls on the NMSU secondary. The Royston interception penalty vs the no call in the red zone earlier looked identical with different results.

MarQuies' passing is really looking rough. Seems to me that he can get 5-7 yards a pop on the ground, though. Why doesn't he just take it up the middle?

Whoever is #81 he missed a huge block that would of freed up Moulton for a TD

If gray steppee OB at the 1, why is the clock running?

Poor officiating this whole game for both teams.

Practice this week
1. Ball Security
2. Red Zone Office
3. Pass Defense

Coaches meeting
1. Play Calling

not being able to gain a yard when needed is not a good sign

The senior O-lineman are terrible. No push today or last week. Limegrover has some work to do.

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