If you have two quarterbacks, you have none. This game is ample proof of that.

Twin goats of the game.

It would be great if all we had to deal with was the pain of this loss but we now get do endure the taunts of the frustrated jock sniffers; Reussie, Barreiro, Zulgad, and Souhan.

Horrible playcalling and execution by O in final three drives. Inexcusable by Limegrover like all YEAR. Thank You MC for your picks and leadership this year, you will be missed.

How many times do we have to watch pathetic play calling like this sink games. Running on long situations, ineffective and go three and out, etc. Doesn't matter what the D does if the O can't capitalize.

Gophers are going to get better next year in spite of tonight's loss. They can hang their heads high keeping the game closer than the point spreads.

It was a well called game with the exception of the fourth quarter where we might have got too conservative/something.

Horrible playcalling and execution by O in final three drives. Inexcusable by Limegrover like all YEAR. Thank You MC for your picks and leadership this year, you will be missed.

Shhhhhhhhh, criticize Limegrover here and you are evil.

He is a great hero.


If you criticize, you aren't a fan.

Exactly! I wish I could read the paper in the morning, it would nice to have some good positive stories about the seniors. Instead it will be some lame cheap headline. Yack.

Bad Special Teams coaching at the end...Why was our best athlete and tallest defender (Hageman) lined up on the right hash about 4 yards away from the likely path of the winning kick?

The one play Tech never really stopped was our QB option keeper to the left...Why didn't we run that play in the 4th qtr more???

Two key coaching errors late:

3rd and 4 for Tech with about 1:10 on the clock and the Gophers go with a zero blitz? The upside to that call did not warrant the potential downside in that situation. I saw the TD happening before Doege even threw the pass at Balthazar got beat inside.

1st and 10 on the 30 for the Gophers on the ensuing drive, Limegrover almost has to call a run play in this situation with Tech having two timeouts and the Gophers having a weak passing game and a true frosh at QB. The worst thing that happens is OT if the Gophers simply run the ball on first down.

I felt the decision to punt on 4th down was a judgment call, but the above two play calls are really hard to defend IMHO.

Really, really wish Gray/Nelson would have simply made one on target pass late and none of this would have mattered. Very good offensive gameplan in the first half and excellent adjustments made on the defensive side of the ball for the 2nd half. It's too bad we had to see another Gopher collapse, because the players and coaches deserved a better fate.

Embarrassing loss. Hope Nelson improves his accuracy in the offseason or it'll be another year of losses for the gophs

Holding a potent passing offense to well below their average and scoring 31 is not embarrassing. Disappointing considering our opportunities is probably a better way of putting it.

heartbreaking but definitely positive steps going into next year

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