Sometimes RUTM is ok.

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Can't lose the turnover battle and win this game. We need to turn them over on this drive.

alright defense bounce back - kill the momentum

don't pile on, the defense needs to step up now lets go

i'm shooting down what you are flying over. Let's go D. We got this, get it back. We have gotten turn overs all year. Time to get another one

Leidner throws late, looks down receiver the whole time, intercepted. Guess it really is Mitch in that uniform...and so it goes.

We didn't do so well on the last defensive stop...were going to do it here.

Leidner throws late, looks down receiver the whole time, intercepted. Guess it really is Mitch in that uniform...and so it goes.

Throw wasn't late. He just didn't even try to look the safety off. Just a 1/2 second look to the left freezes the safety.

We're gonna need points at some point. 7 isn't going to hold i'm afraid.

This badger team is not the 6th best in the country.

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Clement is getting close to breaking one

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OK let's do this. good mitch we just need 2 more drives.

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