This could easily turn from 4-2 to a 4 game losing streak.

Stop it with the Tubby offense. Play some basketball.

This would be a minor miracle if we escape with a W right now. Someone needs to show some urgency on the offensive end. Only buckets seem to have come in transition, very poor half-court offense today.

Whatever offensive system Pitino is running, it's absolute crap. Stagnant, no action, no pick and rolls... it sucks. All I see is a bunch of perimeter passing and dribbling until the shot clock runs down forcing us to go for a desperation attempt. Thank god for the defensive effort.

This could easily turn from 4-2 to a 4 game losing streak.

Can anyone tell me what our offensive identity is? If running down shot clock and throwing a terrible pass or jack up a terrible shot we are top 5 team in country. Feels like I am watching Tubby coached team.

Dupree is out of control and clueless...Mason has fallen in love with mid-range shot instead of going to rim...Murphy is lost on both end of floor

Can anyone tell me what our offensive identity is? If running down shot clock and throwing a terrible pass or jack up a terrible shot we are top 5 team in country. Feels like I am watching Tubby coached team.

Dupree is out of control and clueless...Mason has fallen in love with mid-range shot instead of going to rim...Murphy is lost on both end of floor

That's a coaching problem. Really poor system put in place by Pitino. Don't know how he thinks it can be effective.

So is anyone else besides Reggie gonna play some basketball right now?

Penn State makes free throws, we don't that is the difference in this game.

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What a dirty play. Kick that bastard out of the game.

What a cheap shot. Are you kidding me? What a hack.

Grabs the guy from behind and pulls him down by the arm and then apologizes like he didn't do it on purpose. What a hack.

That's a coaching problem. Really poor system put in place by Pitino. Don't know how he thinks it can be effective.
He's a Pitino. That is all you need to know. We can not talk about it, but it is still in his head. It will still curse us.

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Why not give Gilbert a run? Can't be worse. He can make a 3 once in a while. Hurt is not ready to play.

PSU cheap shot on Coffey should be equivalent of targeting in football.

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