Who made travel team? I see Green and Rhoda on sideline. Did we take 4 QB's?

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Ever since I started rubbing my neck whiskers on each play we have dominated both sides of the ball.

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LMAO...I had to reply to this. Nice. Rub that baby raw, kid!

Wow. Nice ending. 1 breakdown from 13-0.

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What a drive. That's not a drive we would have seen in years past under Jerry

Certainly had some rough penalties there and would have liked another TD earlier. But up 10 on the road against a B1G team is solid at the half.

What a drive. That's not a drive we would have seen in years past under Jerry

Really surprised they went for points given the history of this coaching staff and how they have handled situations like that in the past but love the fact that they didn't just sit on it and put together a nice safe drive that led to points.

258 yards vs 171 for the cats. 22 pass, 22 rush. Bodes well for the second half. Run it down their throats.

There a lot of rushing yards waiting for MN in the 2nd half...

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ESPN stats show us 0 - 1 for "team" passing.

What do I not remember?

man so proud of the defense the first half they tackled so well and always bounced back even if they gave up a few too many big plays.

ive been a big critic of mitch and while he hasnt been perfect im definitely tilting my criticism way more towards our lack of quality wrs i just cant believe we cant recruit dudes to catch the ball. running game has looked good and oline has played uneven but well enough to get a double digit lead. that 2 minute drill by mitch had some great completions and good decision making really happy we didnt take a knee and settle for a 7 pt lead.

stop the damn penalties on the defensive side guys ffs come on cant be leaping offsides like that especially when you're literally over the center no excuse. its a 'trophy game' so im down for some hardware obviously but being 1-0 in the B1G with a road win will make this fan real happy

Fun first half!

James Franklin is chicken sh*t. He's not doing himself any favors with decisions like that.

if we win, the fire franklin crowd should be strong at pedophile state

MN is dominating this game statistically. They clearly look like the better team. Stay solid, reduce penalties, no turnovers, and this is an easy win going away in the 4th. But anything can happen, of course...

Pick 6!

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