TD #6. Huge! Let's go D, start tackling. And blitzing.

I love Smith running the ball, but I think Mo was more effective on that drive. I think the Gopher offense could use more Mo!

Four touchdown passes by Morgan today. Glad he's healthy.

Our receivers are best ever as a group!
Decker was amazing but Bateman and Tyler Johnson are very difficult to defend. CAB is good too!

Getting nervous with the number of star players looking like they may have an injury. Martin, Bateman, Smith up slow on a play and Paulson already out.

Sarcasm directed at PJ... on GH? You are brave.
Sarcasm would be if he wasn’t there. He was there. So that’s not a very good attempt at sarcasm.

Would have been a good joke if P.J. didn’t run on the field though. B+ for Sarcastic effort. D-for execution.

Northwestern fans should be trickling out now. Should have happened earlier though.

Sure hope the defense starts to play again

2000 with a bad end zone paint job, at home, that TD isn't one.

TJ is only 1 TD away from Ron Johnson's all time receiving TD record

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