D-backs are in lala land though, so the pressure doesn't matter much. The Bama defensive backs could be 15 shots deep and provide better coverage than this.

Yo think Bama has better DBs. Good to know.

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Yeah, let Armstrong beat you. I mean, he's the only guy on the field making a play. So let him beat u. FUK!!!!

'Member when those people were saying they'd rather play Nebraska with Armstrong in the game? I 'member.

I hate to say it, but the way our O has played in the 2nd half, it's over.

Armstrong took over and stepped up in crunch time. Props to him.

whelp that should dagger the division talk in here

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Not shocked...we just can't hold up against the superior athletes in this league.

The defense was playing pretty good in the first half... and decided to stop tackling. What the heck!

Our OL is garbage. Neb had 5 in the box on that play. Perfect play call. No gain.


Smith was stopped because someone grabbed his jersey.

The running game isn't there. Why is this so hard to understand? Lots of success throwing it on 1st down.

Lots of time left. Time to put your big boys on.

Done in by Jay Johnson again.

Good thing we got rid of the the guy who's on the
#20 team in the country

Mark my words, we're not getting the ball back.

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