55 yarder in the rain is not automatic for a college kicker.
Michigan hit one from 53 that looked like it would have been good from close to 60. Not automatic but still a bad miss and he already had a season's worth of bad misses coming into today.

The call on the onside kick was bad but don't forget the missed kick in the first. Kesich lost us the Unc game and the shot to go to OT with all of the momentum today. We'd likely be 4-1 right now if we had a competent kicker.
55 yards in the rain is not a given for college kickers.

Having an extra timeout to call before the half to punch it in from the 1 cost 4 points. If PJ was not an idiot with a timeouts this is a different game

They want the Michigan/OSU matchups to mean something.......
I think it’s just one piece of shit no talent guy who thinks his place in the game is much bigger than it is thinking he needs to be a hero by calling something he thinks he sees, but really didn’t. The type of person that generally is a linesman in a college football game sucks ass.

At the bottom where we belong. We just kept giving them short fields and they took advantage of it everytime. Blame the refs all you want, this was another game the players failed to do their jobs.

Most college QBs don't make the NFL. Don't blame me because you can't see past the numbers.
Yeah you're right you must be the only guy on this forum that understands the game of football. Meanwhile Flecks teams consistently rank at the bottom of every statistical ranking for passing. Maybe you should coach a team instead of wasting all your football knowledge trolling the internet

Yeah you're right you must be the only guy on this forum that understands the game of football. Meanwhile Flecks teams consistently rank at the bottom of every statistical ranking for passing. Maybe you should coach a team instead of wasting all your football knowledge trolling the internet

Yet you're basically the only one posting who thinks that Brosmer isn't a capable quarterback. Which based upon your elementary analysis of QB numbers....isn't surprising.

Michigan will be lucky to make the 12 team play-off and most likely won't. They have zero shot of repeating. Zero.
Probably, but there are for sure people with money that want to keep that dream alive.

Michigan will be lucky to make the 12 team play-off and most likely won't. They have zero shot of repeating. Zero.
Honestly that part doesn’t matter. Making it to the dance and getting the added payout is what the conference ce cares about

Yet you're basically the only one posting who thinks that Brosmer isn't a capable quarterback. Which based upon your elementary analysis of QB numbers....isn't surprising.
Again you've already proven you're the only person here who understands the game of football.

Yet you're basically the only one posting who thinks that Brosmer isn't a capable quarterback. Which based upon your elementary analysis of QB numbers....isn't surprising.
What's surprising is your not already coaching a major college program, it's such a waste of your talents my friend.

Hey, dip shit. The kid is not a world beater but he just came out against a real nasty defense and played his ass off the whole second half so I don’t know what your point is — and your timing sucks.
There we go, resorting to name calling when someone posts something you don't agree with, that's classy.

Hey, dip shit. The kid is not a world beater but he just came out against a real nasty defense and played his ass off the whole second half so I don’t know what your point is — and your timing sucks.
Michigan beats us by 35 if we trade QBs. Brosmer is absolutely an average to above average P4 qb and played a great game today under constant duress and when Michigan knew we’d be throwing

I think it’s just one piece of shit no talent guy who thinks his place in the game is much bigger than it is thinking he needs to be a hero by calling something he thinks he sees, but really didn’t. The type of person that generally is a linesman in a college football game sucks ass.
Does he sign his checks "Angry From Iowa"?

What's surprising is your not already coaching a major college program, it's such a waste of your talents my friend.

I'd ask for a letter of recommendation....but I'm not sure how much weight it would hold from someone who's not familiar with the game.

Hey, dip shit. The kid is not a world beater but he just came out against a real nasty defense and played his ass off the whole second half so I don’t know what your point is — and your timing sucks.
Oh and I would settle for a QB and coach that could beat Iowa.

Do we have anyone else that can play center? I really would like to see Johnson moved to LG or RG. He isn't ready for that spot. Too much pressure up middle every game.

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