Rossi has shown he can adjust. Just need the offense to do something.

2 things. No more wildcat. And just let Kramer’s slow ass play regular quarterback.

I like the aggressiveness on 4th and short, but we just have the absolutely wrong OC to convert that.... they had 10 in the box and a helluva lot of grass on both sides of the line and we go right at the beast.


This defense couldn't stop shit. They make one good play and act like they just won the west, then immediately give up a 12 yard gain the next play. Getting tired of these small victories celebrations.

Get off the field and act like you can play in this league. Unfortunately a lot of them can't.

Are we really going to play Indiana like they can throw the ball well? This is insanely poor preparation so far. Stack the f'n box.

This team is lost.
First drives for both teams.

Feeling them out.

Games are won on adjustments and the following drives. Let's see .....

Well, their freshman QB was pretty highly rated so he could have a good game.
He has REALLY struggled throwing the ball. Everyone knows that except our coaching staff. We were lining up against Indiana like they were a throwing time.

He has about 40% completion percentage.

That was pathetic preparation. I'm sure Rossi will make an adjustment but coming out with our safeties back and 2 LBers playing in space, is an egregious mistake.

I would trade most of our offense for their qb.

Turned this game off after five minutes. I was wrong. Extending PJ was a mistake. He's only as good as his coordinators and he refuses to make a necessary change.

I've got faith in Rossi to fix any issues. I've got no faith in Sanford.
I said it also, but this offense is putrid if the running game doesn't dominate. So far away from the WR whisperer PJ is supposed to be. Passing game is less than broken, its destroyed.

He has REALLY struggled throwing the ball. Everyone knows that except our coaching staff. We were lining up against Indiana like they were a throwing time.

He has about 40% completion percentage.

That was pathetic preparation. I'm sure Rossi will make an adjustment but coming out with our safeties back and 2 LBers playing in space, is an egregious mistake.
You're not wrong ... and it was one drive.

They will adjust.

Or they won't and it will be a disaster.

Rossi has shown to be a pretty good DC.

Indy has major advantage at qb. Hard to believe but it’s true.
If you can’t pass the ball, then you need a QB that can at least run. PJ could have a 9-1 team at this time if he just realized that simple logic.

53 yards rushing for Indiana QB Donaven McCulley on that drive

He has REALLY struggled throwing the ball. Everyone knows that except our coaching staff. We were lining up against Indiana like they were a throwing time.

He has about 40% completion percentage.

That was pathetic preparation. I'm sure Rossi will make an adjustment but coming out with our safeties back and 2 LBers playing in space, is an egregious mistake.
IU drive...12 runs, 2 passes

Do we really need a commercial time out after the kickoff when we're about to have 3:30 of commercials after we run one play? They gotta shorten this up.

Going for it on 4th and short - is fine -- but with THAT play call come on!!!!

We can do better than these kinds of play calls.
This is garbage.
It's hard. We don't have a QB who can read a defense so our options are limited.

Kramer misread the end. It’s an easy TD if he keeps it. Can’t blame coaches for awful execution.

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