Sent Nubin on that play but Illinois picked it up.

This lack of a pass rush is not exactly a new thing. They rush 4 maybe 5 people and almost never blitz. The whole goal is to give up short plays and make you run 12 plays to score as opposed to giving up a big play and a score in 5 plays. Let the offense try to self implode vs. the defense making amazing plays.

1st and 20 and 2nd and 19

Qb almost at 100%

Good gawd

3 for 3 on fourth downs. No pressure and easy throw and catch on the quick plays.

This is a long drive. It feels like we should be down by more than 3.

Well they did. And it's two chances for you to commit a penalty etc. Take the 3rd and 10.
I mean if you plan on giving up 14 on second down it doesn’t really matter which one you do

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