Need a STOP here!! CMON!!! Let’s go

Khaki pants takes the TO. He looks like pseudo tough guy with his gaiter n dark glasses.

Do we have any linebackers ? Really missing Oliver among others.

Ugh, that was a back breaking drive. Come on O, let's get it back.

Michigan could win this game by only running QB draws all night. We have no one who can stop Milton.

Michigan’s speed on offense is too much for us. We are gonna have to outscore them to win.

4:48 to get another TD! Gotta get this before the half. Mark my words, if Michigan scores again in this half....we lost this game

All questions as to how the defense will shape up are being answered.

OK, the Gophers have 4min 48 sec to score a TD. You need a TD on this drive or at least 3 points going into the half and not allow the Wolfpics to score before the half!

I'm thinking heavy blitzing in the 2nd half. Either make a big play or give one up.

Jordan Howden is constantly out of place and just can't play safety. I am perplexed as to how this guy starts..... Is he really better than Sapp or Swenson?

Likely not.... Only time Howden makes a big play is by accident.

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