Seems our game plan is to go three and out and punt as many times as possible, giving our defense the best possible chance to score... Brilliant!

The game-plan is to tire out their punt returner, and then WHAM, one of these times he's gonna drop the ball. And three plays later, we'll kick it to him again. We got them right where we want them!

For the love of !#$^@%&#%^*#%^&@$%^@$%&#U^*#%^*&

Like the flea flicker, don't like the senior fumble. It is typical MN football. Even fcukin Illinois and NW had shocker seasons, I don't get why we can't

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We obviously move the ball better when playing with tempo. Keep that up.

Don't look now, but this game is incredibly close. We are in it if we can open the play book a little.

spoofins's flea flicker call was good, just timing off...

Defense is playing phenomenally right now. Just need something to go right for the O and we will be just fine.

i think we can all agree that winning this game is impossible while losing the turnover battle - offense needs to sharpen up

Take 2: we score, and we're right back in this game. (Please no fumble and please keep running the no huddle/motion O)

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