On pace for 600 yards throwing the ball so they run it on 3rd and 4. Spartans begging to lose.

Yeah, some very questionable decisions by their coaches in the redzone so far.

If you know you can run the ball and struggle throwing it, wouldn't it make sense to try and work on the passing game before you get into big10 play???

I agree. I've been saying it for weeks... once we get into B10 play and face bigger stronger fronts.. then what?

I agree. I've been saying it for weeks... once we get into B10 play and face bigger stronger fronts.. then what?

there's gonna be a lot of head scratching from fans who only paid attention to box scores...

I'm telling you... Cobb should be the featured back!

I gotta say I think Cobb is our best all around back. Vision, speed, power.

My goodness Florida A&M is horrible... letting OSU score 34 points in the 1st Quarter??? Yikes...

I'm done with Hawthorne kicking extra points. WTF.

Ugh. Can't do that in a tight game! Great drive though.

My goodness Florida A&M is horrible... letting OSU score 34 points in the 1st Quarter??? Yikes...

For all the griping about our cream-puff schedule, how about this as Exhibit A?

I'm liking what I see from Leidner, but I've seen more innovative passing games in Pop Warner. Don't know if that's attributable to personnel or scheme.

I'm convinced that Leidner is a better runner than Nelson now. They have just about the same speed, but Leidner has more power. Unless he totally messes up, I'd keep him as the starter even when Nelson comes back.

Yes. Im pleased with the all around team effort and love Lauer at LT, except im sick & tired of Hawthorne. Two missed PATs this year?! We never missed a pat in HIGH SCHOOL!!!! Completely unexceptional

Listening to young Pitino, it's obvious he's not the mailman's kid.

Nice drive!! I do wish they would incorporate the TEs in the passing game though; Williams is a stud and would dominate the defenders.

Coach P and the obligatory question about winter coats.

Where is our pass rush up the middle. Our DTs are getting handled far too well. We need a push up the middle!

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