Positives: Well balanced scoring. Very good defense. Significant advantage on the boards.

Negatives: Turnovers, Turnovers, Turnovers. Standing on offense led to some tough shots and ultimately added some of the turnovers we saw.

Ugly game, good to see we can play pretty bad on the offensive side and still win by a nice margin. 1st half felt like the spiders played really well and we played bad and still had a half time lead. Now we focus on duke and play up to a quality opponent

Way too many turnovers, (19 vs 8 for Richmond), if we clean that up this isn't nearly as close a game. We still pulled away towards the end, wish it had been sooner but I'll take the W. Gotta work on tightening the game up though, Duke will exploit our mistakes more than the Spiders will.

Maverick should never play

My god, the Mav bashing won't end. Listen, he's sure as hell not a star, but he played 7 minutes, had 5 points, and 0 turnovers. I'll take that from any player on our bench. He's surprised the hell out of me this season. I was as down on him as most were over the past two seasons, but the kid has obviously put in work and it has shown.

My god, the Mav bashing won't end. Listen, he's sure as hell not a star, but he played 7 minutes, had 5 points, and 0 turnovers. I'll take that from any player on our bench. He's surprised the hell out of me this season. I was as down on him as most were over the past two seasons, but the kid has obviously put in work and it has shown.

I agree

My god, the Mav bashing won't end. Listen, he's sure as hell not a star, but he played 7 minutes, had 5 points, and 0 turnovers. I'll take that from any player on our bench. He's surprised the hell out of me this season. I was as down on him as most were over the past two seasons, but the kid has obviously put in work and it has shown.

Agreed MinneStoa. I thought Mav was a gong show last year, but he has looked solid this season. He comes in and makes some solid plays off the bench. And, as you pointed out, 0 turnovers. Of course, I don't see reason to start anyone-bashing while the team is still perfect.

Didn't read the four pages so I don't know the mood. Gotta stop the TO's, but mostly saw the 2nd half and saw a lot of good stuff.

We shall see on thursday.

way to go gophers! im looking forward to this team making noise in the tourney!



Doubtful, but that's a good thing imo, I want to be low flying on the national radar until Atlantis. Makes any splash we create there bigger.

I don't think we'll have to worry about flying in with too much hype on us. I mean, it will take everyone who wants to watch the game about 45 minutes to find the channel we are on.

Not if the voters watched the first half. That was embarrassing

I don't, and I wish voters wouldn't, get too worked up about how we win or how we lose. I try to never say "we won, but we should have won by more", and I also don't very often take solace in "well, we lost, but it was a good team and we hung with them." In any basketball game, only two things can happen to your team, and so far, all four have gone our way. My general rule is that after any win, I feel better about the team than I did before the game (against a weak enough opponent, only marginally better) and after any loss, I feel worse about the team (again, against a good enough opponent, only marginally worse). Let's see if we can't catch Duke napping looking forwards to the second round matchup in Atlantis, a win there for us would really start to turn some heads.

Oto has made me want to throw my remote through my tv. Those are some of the more frustrating turnovers I can remember.

I'm glad that Tubby actually tightened up the lineup. Loved what I saw out of the starters and Trevor (minus the turnovers, of course). Welch has been the biggest disappointment so far. I wish he got to play a little backup point though. I think that would help him.

I don't think we'll have to worry about flying in with too much hype on us. I mean, it will take everyone who wants to watch the game about 45 minutes to find the channel we are on.

I'll try that again, I don't want Duke seeing a number in front of our name before we beat them.

My god, the Mav bashing won't end. Listen, he's sure as hell not a star, but he played 7 minutes, had 5 points, and 0 turnovers. I'll take that from any player on our bench. He's surprised the hell out of me this season. I was as down on him as most were over the past two seasons, but the kid has obviously put in work and it has shown.

Mav's an interesting player. I've bashed him about as hard as I've ever bashed anyone, but I think I should back off. There have been times last year and so far this year when he looks like the only guy out there that knows what's going on. The first half of this game was one of them. He was out there with the second team, and he was a stabilizing force.

We will beat Duke on Thursday! I have four other Tubby preconference season wins that would indicate that no one should be thinking otherwise. Louisville, Butler, North Carolina, West Virginia.

Go gophs.

Way too many turnovers, (19 vs 8 for Richmond), if we clean that up this isn't nearly as close a game. We still pulled away towards the end, wish it had been sooner but I'll take the W. Gotta work on tightening the game up though, Duke will exploit our mistakes more than the Spiders will.

In the last 9-1/2 minutes, the Gophs outscored them by 22. It's going to take a consistent effort along those lines to play with Duke. But I think it can be done. Think back a couple years - I haven't checked the records, but I seem to recall we hadn't set the world on fire before we went down and beat No. 8 UNC and won that dang tournament.

Someone mentioned Trevor and Rodney on the floor at the same time. Offensively we can make a lot of hay with that combination. When either of them draw the double team at the high or low block, they can pass to the interior or the perimeter. We saw some of that on occasion tonight that made it look like taking candy from a baby. The key is movement. When the players are moving, they're tough to defend.

Man we basically destroyed them in every statistical category but TO's and points off TO's. They took an extra 20 FG attempts, that is ridiculous. Especially since we out rebounded them 37-20. They need to figure that out fast to be an elite B1G team but I think it will come as chemistry builds throughout the season. The half court defense has been fantastic and they picked apart the switches very well in the half court offensive sets.

Man we basically destroyed them in every statistical category but TO's and points off TO's. They took an extra 20 FG attempts, that is ridiculous. Especially since we out rebounded them 37-20. They need to figure that out fast to be an elite B1G team but I think it will come as chemistry builds throughout the season. The half court defense has been fantastic and they picked apart the switches very well in the half court offensive sets.

I've got rebounding figures of 41-30 in favor of Minnesota (includes Team rebounds)... mostly attributable to a ton of missed field goals by Richmond. The Spiders MISSED 24 more FGAs than the Gophers did... smaller denominator, but Gophers did grab 48% OR vs. 38% for Richmond... but in real offensive rebounding numbers... Richmond had 18, Minnesota just 11.

First half rebounding was rough (against such a small team).. Trevor saved the day (with regard to boards) in the second half.

Richmond's leading scorer (Brothers) went 1/11 for 2 points..

Same thing as first few games.. too many turnovers, giving up too many offensive boards. But the FG% defensive has been insanely good.

Those numbers are completely different than ESPN's box score. Official box score on Gophersports.com matches yours.

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