For the love of *** can we throw the ball past the sticks just once on a third down...enough of this short passing game. Your QB can't throw an accurate ball and your receivers can't make anyone miss

Another theme this year. We get something going on offense and shoot ourselves in the foot with penalties.

Leidner had all kinds of time on that last throw. Why did he check it down right away when it was obvious it wasn't going to result in a first down?

5 yard pass and he throws it to where the TE can't catch it. Not to mention what a terrible playcall, they didn't even change the playcall from the previous spot (before the penalty). I am convinced Coach Kill and Limegrover get their play designs from a "Playcalls for dummies" book.

Leidner, offense same as usual - no tempo, no imagination, lousy passing, straight ahead running. Dull.

Purdue looks like a team that at least knows what they want to do on offense. Us...not so much.

Let's reminisce about the only time we won the jug in HD.

5 yard pass and he throws it to where the TE can't catch it. Not to mention what a terrible playcall, they didn't even change the playcall from the previous spot (before the penalty). I am convinced Coach Kill and Limegrover get their play designs from a "Playcalls for dummies" book.

I think that was more on Leidner. He gave up on the longer routes too early even though he didn't have to. He had plenty of time.

We have fumbled more punts than points scored in conference play.

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