It's working just fine here. Must be a local thing.

3rd and 2 for us.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand still no points in the first.

Offense is so boring they don't even want to run a play before end of the quarter even when they have a defense on their heels a little

Michigan has put up 21 in the first qtr against NW... How many yards did we get? They may have more points than the yards we gained.

So, how did we get the first down on the 3rd and short?

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Patience, great drive by Leidner. Low point is over. Lot's of season left...

Comcast just sends you back to your previous channel. I got PawPatrol. Back on now.

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Michigan has put up 21 in the first qtr against NW... How many yards did we get? They may have more points than the yards we gained.

but but but but but Northwestern wanted it more than we did.

Play by play:
Rodney up middle for 3 and first
20 yard pass to wolitarsky
5 yard penalty on us
5 yard leidner rush
7 yard leidner rush
3rd &3

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