WTF Limegrover...seriously how does this clown keep getting raises. This offense is beyond putrid.

Only way we win is a defensive or ST touchdown. Book it.

Throw the ball past the first downmarker.

0-2 start on the season 100% on the offense and Limegrover.

And Mortell had another bad punt. Blaaaaargh.

I'm going to bill Limegrover for the broken furniture and busted drywall all around me. Let's assume he had his offense prepared (just roll with me...)... the playcalling on offense alone has done us in.

Jerry Kill has done a nice job of rebuilding the dumpster fire that we were, but the one position you have to find is QB and in 5 years he has yet to find even a mid-major level QB. I love the defense, but this offense needs to be blown up

The other thing that bothers me about Leidner is that he always looks quiet, scared and timid. Not really the qualities you want in your leader.

I actually disagree there. I think he looks the part, but as soon as you ask him to throw, or handle a snap on a critical snap, he loses it.

Johnson got toasted on the last TD too. Man, he's either tired or making poor reads out there.

Unbelievable. We just have a laughably terrible team.

There was our chance. And we gopher'd it.

Offensive line looks horrible

never seen such lousy tackling

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