I'll assume he makes poor decisions with the ball. It's very unlikely he's less accurate. If Mitch is like this in practice it's time to throw in the towel, and I've defended him till now.
I'm relatively a Mitch defender, but I don't like him as our QB either. I recall streveler being less accurate, but could've been mental mistakes, too.

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Is the Offense going to be shaken up after this game?

are you ****ing kidding me, what is that play call

They said on the radio Parra didn't travel. I must have heard incorrectly.

Wozniak looks like a player if we could ever get him the ball.

Ufdah team shooting themselves in the foot with dropped passes, turn overs and penalties

The rams made a change at QB and look what happened. Sometimes you need a spark.

I like Kill but he needs to get rid of Limegrover... demote him, do whatever. We need someone who knows how to use what we have. Next, we need to demote Leidner. Good guy but not a B10 QB. There is no defending what he's done today.

I knew this game would be tricky, but you always hope the struggle wouldn't be self inflicted. I am completely let down again.

I wouldn't put in a new QB down four on the road in the 4th quarter. And Leidner has shown resiliency in the past. He's our best hope.

They said on the radio Parra didn't travel. I must have heard incorrectly.

They may have gotten it wrong. Here's the travel roster.

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The other thing that bothers me about Leidner is that he always looks quiet, scared and timid. Not really the qualities you want in your leader.

THis is turning into a brawl of a game in unfriendly turf.

We need the B1G refs to help out a little.

Can we not audible at the line when they stack 9 in the box?

This would feel better if Colorado State was a pretty good team like I was expecting them to be, but they're not very good.

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