This drive has to end in the EZ....Can't go into halftime losing to a team like this.

Absolutely. Just for morale, you can't go in down. Let's not kid ourselves...CSU sucks. They throw no better than we do, and our D is now stacking the box just like them.

Anyone think Santoso could be an emergency TE?

MVGUY, you are correct. JK's tactical mistake in the rebuilding is the sole focus on the defense when they should have aggressively recruit a good QB also.
It's harder to "coach up" a QB, which is what they're good at doing with the other positions.

Good thing he was so open. Wasn't a pick. Mitch YOU SUCK

well he was only wide open at TE and then you give Still no shot. What a great pair of balls. We should keep throwing

Exasperation. That's all I can say I feel right now. Nothing more can be said about Leidner. This is a truly pathetic performance. There just aren't enough adjectives.

9-6 still looks like a good score... Just need one more fg and a safety...

Bring in Croft!

How do we not have a competent QB on our roster?
I'll take the QB at Mankato, Winona, UMD, or even North Hennipen.

Maybe we need an offensive coordinator and quarterback that doesn't Start with L

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Was actually a heckuva play call there, but Leidner has to stop playing like a two star DIII Qb.... We have at least three backups and most of the folks on this forum that would've made that throw..

You know, this is why I don't spend $2000 to go to away games. I'd pick a game like this with an awful performance and I'd be bitter...

Was actually a heckuva play call there, but Leidner has to stop playing like a two star DIII Qb.... We have at least three backups and most of the folks on this forum that would've made that throw..

He was a 2 star DIII QB. We just happened to offer him and not get anyone better in the last 4 years.

Please don't waste this years defense.
Please try something else on offense. Perra, Croft, anything.

How many FCS QBs are better than Leidner?... All of then but Savannah State?

Let's also not forget CSU's best player isn't playing. How sad is this?

Ohh, I feel Limegrover and our VAUNTED 2 MINUTE OFFENSE COMING...

Streveler runs the zone read better. Cant be much worse throwing. Its time.

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