Now This Is Flattering Publicity

As much as I don't like the guy and try hard not to read his stuff, I love his quote,

"Coach Brew has detected that I'm overweight and that makes him an astute observer. And this situation could in no way lessen my opinion of him," Reusse said.

Why do you even post here? You're not even a Gopher fan, what a joke. First its selling your tickets to a Vadger fan, then its this garbage? Go die.

No wonder Nervous sold his/her tickets to a Badger fan. At first, I was going to chalk it up as simply trying to make some money on tickets after not being able to attend. But now, considering the tenor of recent posts from this nervous person, it appears somebody has decided to stop supporting Gopher football.

Nothing but vitriol since then, which leads me to suggest changing their moniker from "Nervous Gopher" to "Brewster-hater."

I'll tell you why he is Nervous Gopher, because he is a troll and he knows it. He is no more a Gopher fan than Pantherhawk and he could be Pantherhawk for all we know. He is now on ignore.

The key thing in big-time sports in either playing or coaching is to not read the papers or listen to the radio.

PS--I like Brewster and I don't have a problem with Reusse expressing his opinion. My problem with Reusse is that he hasn't been happy with Gopher football since Murray Warmath left.

After the Bowling Green loss, Reusse pledged to throw that loss back in the Gopher's faces if the Gophers ever go to the Rose Bowl.

The key thing in big-time sports in either playing or coaching is to not read the papers or listen to the radio.

PS--I like Brewster and I don't have a problem with Reusse expressing his opinion. My problem with Reusse is that he hasn't been happy with Gopher football since Murray Warmath left.

Has anyone been happy with Gopher football since Murray Warmath left?

Driving across this great nation last night I couldn't be more honored as a longtime Gopher fan that the only national media attention I've heard for my squad in a long long time was a ten minute ESPN radio segment talking about the knuckle-headed comments our great leader has shared via the brave new world of social networking and how it is only a matter of time before similar knuckle-headed decisions get somebody fired. I guess it is good that we learned lessons first (I hope).

As toward all of the above prattle, attacking those who notice that perhaps our coach should win some f##king games and stop whining about the media:cry:, get over it . People have a right to not accept poor performance from multimillion dollar salaried coaches. He was hired to get to the next level, and he should worry about his dismal conference record, not that some 25 cent newspaper writer doesn't like him. He should concentrate on not losing more recruits to our arch rivals across the border. He should worry about attaining a winning record against god da##ed NDSU! Further he and Maturi managed to get some big time opponents on the pipeline and he should invest all mental resources to pulling some rabbits out of that dunce cap and get us some positive national media coverage the old fashioned way through sound coaching.

And you schmucks should get accustomed to frustration levels rising around here until he gets off the damn ball and accomplishes something more than blowing a lot of hot air and raising my blood pressure 40 mmHg. Lord knows the new stadium smell will last only so long, and I know that I am not the only gopher that is getting agitated around here...

Driving across this great nation last night I couldn't be more honored as a longtime Gopher fan that the only national media attention I've heard for my squad in a long long time was a ten minute ESPN radio segment talking about the knuckle-headed comments our great leader has shared via the brave new world of social networking and how it is only a matter of time before similar knuckle-headed decisions get somebody fired. I guess it is good that we learned lessons first (I hope).

As toward all of the above prattle, attacking those who notice that perhaps our coach should win some f##king games and stop whining about the media:cry:, get over it . People have a right to not accept poor performance from multimillion dollar salaried coaches. He was hired to get to the next level, and he should worry about his dismal conference record, not that some 25 cent newspaper writer doesn't like him. He should concentrate on not losing more recruits to our arch rivals across the border. He should worry about attaining a winning record against god da##ed NDSU! Further he and Maturi managed to get some big time opponents on the pipeline and he should invest all mental resources to pulling some rabbits out of that dunce cap and get us some positive national media coverage the old fashioned way through sound coaching.

And you schmucks should get accustomed to frustration levels rising around here until he gets off the damn ball and accomplishes something more than blowing a lot of hot air and raising my blood pressure 40 mmHg. Lord knows the new stadium smell will last only so long, and I know that I am not the only gopher that is getting agitated around here...

you are one of only a select few, but this is a free country so vent all you want. also, i love how some of you proceed as if this "phantom" post on his twitter account was absolutely, 100% posted by coach brewster rather than some tool who broke into his account and posted it in a way to make it look like brewster had done it. my money is on the latter of the two scenarios.

settle down.......

Driving across this great nation last night I couldn't be more honored as a longtime Gopher fan that the only national media attention I've heard for my squad in a long long time was a ten minute ESPN radio segment talking about the knuckle-headed comments our great leader has shared via the brave new world of social networking and how it is only a matter of time before similar knuckle-headed decisions get somebody fired. I guess it is good that we learned lessons first (I hope).

As toward all of the above prattle, attacking those who notice that perhaps our coach should win some f##king games and stop whining about the media:cry:, get over it . People have a right to not accept poor performance from multimillion dollar salaried coaches. He was hired to get to the next level, and he should worry about his dismal conference record, not that some 25 cent newspaper writer doesn't like him. He should concentrate on not losing more recruits to our arch rivals across the border. He should worry about attaining a winning record against god da##ed NDSU! Further he and Maturi managed to get some big time opponents on the pipeline and he should invest all mental resources to pulling some rabbits out of that dunce cap and get us some positive national media coverage the old fashioned way through sound coaching.

And you schmucks should get accustomed to frustration levels rising around here until he gets off the damn ball and accomplishes something more than blowing a lot of hot air and raising my blood pressure 40 mmHg. Lord knows the new stadium smell will last only so long, and I know that I am not the only gopher that is getting agitated around here...

Wow...I think I have a default post for nonsense. You. Are. A. Tool. So easy...

Wow really digging deep for that one. "Publicity"? I am sure the hundreds of people who read that site are going to be outraged by an alleged Twitter post insulting a poor writer who nobody outside of Minnesota has ever heard of.

Your Nervous moniker fits you well.

this never happened

give it up. Brewster never wrote that. It is a non story since it is not factual. Someone hacked in and posted it to his site.

hacked his account?
good one

because before this it was nothing but well thought out statements, masterful recruiting and poised coaching...

the post about pat was so out of character from all the other posts on the page. Every post is about loving life and go gophers, and a beautiful day, and if life gets any better my head will explode, etc. then a negative post about "fat pat"? It just doesn't fit. Brewster did not write that.

Driving across this great nation last night I couldn't be more honored as a longtime Gopher fan that the only national media attention I've heard for my squad in a long long time was a ten minute ESPN radio segment talking about the knuckle-headed comments our great leader has shared via the brave new world of social networking and how it is only a matter of time before similar knuckle-headed decisions get somebody fired. I guess it is good that we learned lessons first (I hope).

As toward all of the above prattle, attacking those who notice that perhaps our coach should win some f##king games and stop whining about the media:cry:, get over it . People have a right to not accept poor performance from multimillion dollar salaried coaches. He was hired to get to the next level, and he should worry about his dismal conference record, not that some 25 cent newspaper writer doesn't like him. He should concentrate on not losing more recruits to our arch rivals across the border. He should worry about attaining a winning record against god da##ed NDSU! Further he and Maturi managed to get some big time opponents on the pipeline and he should invest all mental resources to pulling some rabbits out of that dunce cap and get us some positive national media coverage the old fashioned way through sound coaching.

And you schmucks should get accustomed to frustration levels rising around here until he gets off the damn ball and accomplishes something more than blowing a lot of hot air and raising my blood pressure 40 mmHg. Lord knows the new stadium smell will last only so long, and I know that I am not the only gopher that is getting agitated around here...

Obama made some knuckle-headed comments? I hadn't heard about that. Brewster is a football coach. Nothing more, nothing less. He isn't some kind of leader of nations. He coaches a game.

Second, he's our football coach and will be for this year and probably a few more after that. In other words: GET OVER IT yourself. If you don't like him, that's just fine. Either support the team or don't. But stop with this whole "there needs to be a revolution against Brewster" crap.

Third, nobody cares about your blood pressure.

Fourth, if Brewster is a multi-millionaire because of his U salary, it's news to me. Perhaps someone with a little more info regarding Brewster's current contract could fill us all in??

you are one of only a select few, but this is a free country so vent all you want. also, i love how some of you proceed as if this "phantom" post on his twitter account was absolutely, 100% posted by coach brewster rather than some tool who broke into his account and posted it in a way to make it look like brewster had done it. my money is on the latter of the two scenarios.

settle down.......

Select few? If you count gopher fans as the 25 of you who post more than 100 times a month than yes it is a select few who are unsure of Brewster. Try talking to some fans in RL once in a while. Further, the heat on this man would be far greater if there wasn't a stadium launch to raise the excitement around the city. It would have been an absolute tomb last year in the dome had it not been for that hook.

p.s.:rolleyes: Somebody defacing the site would have said something worse. Though ESPN allnite had a good laugh at our expense what was written wasn't a "bomb", just a stupid mistake. 'fat pat' isn't exactly what your average haxor would be slinging on a site invasion. Further evidence to the contrary would be the numerous 'tweets' that Brew posted after this alleged 'attack'. When somebody actually took note in the administration he got his lecture he had coming and the post was remove.

If you think Brewster wrote that "tweet" your brain does not function logically.

Select few? If you count gopher fans as the 25 of you who post more than 100 times a month than yes it is a select few who are unsure of Brewster. Try talking to some fans in RL once in a while. Further, the heat on this man would be far greater if there wasn't a stadium launch to raise the excitement around the city. It would have been an absolute tomb last year in the dome had it not been for that hook.

p.s.:rolleyes: Somebody defacing the site would have said something worse. Though ESPN allnite had a good laugh at our expense what was written wasn't a "bomb", just a stupid mistake. 'fat pat' isn't exactly what your average haxor would be slinging on a site invasion. Further evidence to the contrary would be the numerous 'tweets' that Brew posted after this alleged 'attack'. When somebody actually took note in the administration he got his lecture he had coming and the post was remove.

I have a serious question for you. What is RL referring to? If it's Rice Lake, that's in Wisconsin. If it's Red Lake, that's a Native American reservation in the far northern part of the state. Where exactly is RL?

Obama made some knuckle-headed comments? I hadn't heard about that. Brewster is a football coach. Nothing more, nothing less. He isn't some kind of leader of nations. He coaches a game.

Second, he's our football coach and will be for this year and probably a few more after that. In other words: GET OVER IT yourself. If you don't like him, that's just fine. Either support the team or don't. But stop with this whole "there needs to be a revolution against Brewster" crap.

Third, nobody cares about your blood pressure.

Fourth, if Brewster is a multi-millionaire because of his U salary, it's news to me. Perhaps someone with a little more info regarding Brewster's current contract could fill us all in??

1 Mao and Stalin would have longed for the support you koolaid slurpers show this man
2 Get over people pointing out the faults of a braggart, or at least don't lambaste honest discussion efforts.
3 metaphor
4 Attacking semantics is a sign of a simpleton who couldn't can't argue his way of a third grade debate team. More than a million is plenty for somebody who walked on to a major conference college coaching gig with a joke resume, and the thrust stands: Brewster wants to be a big time player in a big time conference and it is time to be a big boy now, and stop worrying about some media shark.

I have a serious question for you. What is RL referring to? If it's Rice Lake, that's in Wisconsin. If it's Red Lake, that's a Native American reservation in the far northern part of the state. Where exactly is RL?
no where you dwell

Select few? If you count gopher fans as the 25 of you who post more than 100 times a month than yes it is a select few who are unsure of Brewster. Try talking to some fans in RL once in a while. Further, the heat on this man would be far greater if there wasn't a stadium launch to raise the excitement around the city. It would have been an absolute tomb last year in the dome had it not been for that hook.

p.s.:rolleyes: Somebody defacing the site would have said something worse. Though ESPN allnite had a good laugh at our expense what was written wasn't a "bomb", just a stupid mistake. 'fat pat' isn't exactly what your average haxor would be slinging on a site invasion. Further evidence to the contrary would be the numerous 'tweets' that Brew posted after this alleged 'attack'. When somebody actually took note in the administration he got his lecture he had coming and the post was remove.

Ohh...the whole I'm a real fan and you are all drinking ther kool aid post. Yeah that will go over well.

Dude..quit being all high and mighty. You also bring up NDSU. There are oinly a few people on this baord that out of the blue would bring up NDSU and they all live very close to the MN/ND boarder and happen to have stronger allegiances for the green and gold then marroon and gold. So please, join Lakes, and the other tools and make your true feelings known and go root for the big Green machine in Fargo..

To quote Mr Dan barrero..." We Don't need you!"

1 Mao and Stalin would have longed for the support you koolaid slurpers show this man
2 Get over people pointing out the faults of a braggart, or at least don't lambaste honest discussion efforts.
3 metaphor
4 Attacking semantics is a sign of a simpleton who couldn't can't argue his way of a third grade debate team. More than a million is plenty for somebody who walked on to a major conference college coaching gig, and the thrust stands: Brewster wan't to be a big time player in a big time conference and it is time to be a big boy now, and stop worrying about some media shark.

Wow are you lost. Semantics? It's either he's a multi-millionaire because of his contract or he's not. Get some evidence to back up your point or shut it.

Honest discussion efforts? You basically slammed anyone who supports Brewster for any reason. That's not honest discussion. That's flaming at its very best.

We support Brewster like Mao or Stalin? Really? Talk about being a simpleton. :rolleyes:

Wow are you lost. Semantics? It's either he's a multi-millionaire because of his contract or he's not. Get some evidence to back up your point or shut it.

Honest discussion efforts? You basically slammed anyone who supports Brewster for any reason. That's not honest discussion. That's flaming at its very best.

We support Brewster like Mao or Stalin? Really? Talk about being a simpleton. :rolleyes:

Brewster must have pissed in his cereal or something...I just went back and looked at his posts..there isn;t a single positive post on the football team in the lot. There were some prase for Tubby's squad, but not a single glimmer of positivity for the football team.

If I had the world view this guy did..I'd kill myself. Always looking at the negative....what a sad existance

Ohh...the whole I'm a real fan and you are all drinking ther kool aid post. Yeah that will go over well.

Dude..quit being all high and mighty. You also bring up NDSU. There are oinly a few people on this baord that out of the blue would bring up NDSU and they all live very close to the MN/ND boarder and happen to have stronger allegiances for the green and gold then marroon and gold. So please, join Lakes, and the other tools and make your true feelings known and go root for the big Green machine in Fargo..

To quote Mr Dan barrero..." We Don't need you!"

Never been west of Big Ole in Alexandria, and that was a day trip. Minnesota transplanted, Gopher fan from the onset, but East Coast orientation in my youth perhaps stokes the cynicism for U-rah-rah crap from the head coach and somebody who is a highly paid executive by any other name who mismanages PR in such silly little ways.

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